ZigBee v3.0!

[ZigBee 3.0 - Unified Standards!][1]
[1]: http://www.techhive.com/article/2849172/zigbee-30-promises-one-standard-for-many-uses.html

Long story short, seems that they are unifying the profiles/standards, to get away from the different ZigBee Profiles. They also state that in some cases, this might be as simple as a flashed firmware. Could get interesting! :smile:


Too little, too late. The 802.15.4 (the only part of Zigbee spec that was NOT developed by Zigbee Alliance) will surely live on in other protocol like 6LoWPAN, Thread, etc., but Zigbee application protocol has missed its opportunity in consumer market.

For that goal, ZigBee may have suffered from being early out of the gate.

Iā€™d rather say the ZA clowns suffered from brain damage. :smile:


My whole setup is Z-Wave. Iā€™ve looked for Zigbee options for a lot of things and have not really found any compelling items. If it doesnā€™t offer any new capabilities, Iā€™d rather keep building out my Z-Wave mesh.

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Security issues? I know Z-Wave has some serious exploits ā€¦

For me, they do have a few devices that I have wanted, so having the profiles standardized makes it more compelling. Probably will make it significantly easier for SmartThings to support as well. Iā€™ve seen many times in this forum something say ā€œwhich profile is itā€ or ā€œitā€™s this profile, so it will not workā€. That may be a thing of the past soon.

This is exactly what they need to do but now they will have competition with Googleā€™s Thread Group. I fear the ZigBee Group will be too late. I can see Google finishing and making their spec available a full year before the ZigBee group. This is a shame really the full ZigBee HA profile has some very rich features for Home Automation. Unfortunately most home automation solutions today are trying to talk to everyone so they dumb down the feature set and donā€™t take full advantage of the ZigBee HA spec. Most people donā€™t know how feature rich the ZigBee HA spec truly is.

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I have had a great experience with adding Zwave GE devices, but I then wanted to create my own device and found that Zwave costs 3-5K (yes, thatā€™s K!) just to allow digikey to sell you the $12 module! :frowning: So Iā€™ve purchased some NXP Zigbee Pro modules and starting to look at how to build in their environment. I hope ST stays on Zigbee HA for a while. I donā€™t know how long itā€™s gonna take me to get this module to work. :slight_smile: