Zigbee Ambient Sensing - Plans and alpha users for SmartThings?

Hi everyone,

I recently came across this video about Zigbee and its potential for ambient sensing. It demonstrates how existing Zigbee devices in your home can be used to detect occupancy, even without dedicated motion sensors.

It seems that Philips Hue is likely to be one of the first to offer this feature, building on their existing WiZ SpaceSense technology (which uses WiFi) and the new Zigbee ambient sensing capabilities.

Does anyone know if SmartThings is planning to add support for Zigbee ambient sensing, like Hue is expected to? It would be great to have this functionality integrated into the SmartThings platform.

Any information or insights on this would be much appreciated!

I tried this when I had a couple Wiz bulbs., It was ok for turning lights of when no presence was detected. But it was way too slow to turn lights on with presence. So I ended up sticking with a tradition motion sensor.



I recently watched a video about Zigbee’s potential for ambient sensing, where it shows how existing Zigbee devices can be used to detect occupancy, even without dedicated motion sensors. This seems like a really cool feature, and it looks like Philips Hue will be one of the first to offer this, building on their WiZ SpaceSense technology (which uses WiFi) and expanding it with Zigbee ambient sensing.

Best Regard,

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