You don't have any device handlers

When i access my smartthings ide site, i can’t see “My Device Handlers” menu.
It always shows “You don’t have any device handlers”.

Also i tried enter this site after below step.
My Locations → “MyHome” → My Device Handlers.

It also shows same message as “You don’t have any device handlers”.

How can i fix this issue.

Had you installed any device handlers previously? The ability to add new ones has been discontinued. IDE in the process of being shutdown by the end of this year. At this point, you want to use Edge Drivers.


I assume you had custom device handlers before?

At this point, since the IDE, Groovy and Device Handlers are deprecated as of 10/15 and will be fully removed by 12/31, the only reason to access the Device Handler menu would be to remove a Device Handler, or edit one. You can no longer add new ones.

If you’re seeing that you don’t have any, my guess is that you don’t have any custom handlers (stock handlers do not appear there). That’s a good thing - you don’t want to be using them anymore.

Refer to Edge Drivers for the future of this type of thing.

I’ve got why it doesn’t work properly.
It was my first trial to access device handler site.
I understood, and i’ll try to use edge driver ever.

Thanks for quickly reply.