Yale lock fob identification

I have installed the Yale smartlock and z-wave 2 module and all works great. However the one thing that i haven’t figured out is how to identify a fob/card so when someone enters the house with the Fob it recognises the fob and says who is entering the house (or at least provides a notification/log entry). This works fine if they use the PIN entry method.

Any insight much appreciated.

Tagging @rboy . He has a library of sophisticated code behind a paywall which is very popular ( https://www.rboyapps.com/ ) and in the process of writing that code has become an expert on locks. So he may know.


If your Yale lock captures and reports that information over zwave you’ll need a special device handler which can process that information like this one

If you want to use that information to get custom notifications or take actions then you’ll need a SmartApp which can process RFID fobs like this one:

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Thanks for the quick response. Not sure if my Yale model reports RFID and haven’t been able to find any definitive information. Model is Yale Smart Living YD-01-CON-NOMOD-CH Keyless Connected Ready Smart Door Lock

Key fobs are RFID. If your module supports sending that info over zwave the above should work for you just fine to capture and report that information.