I have installed the Yale smartlock and z-wave 2 module and all works great. However the one thing that i haven’t figured out is how to identify a fob/card so when someone enters the house with the Fob it recognises the fob and says who is entering the house (or at least provides a notification/log entry). This works fine if they use the PIN entry method.
Tagging @rboy . He has a library of sophisticated code behind a paywall which is very popular ( https://www.rboyapps.com/ ) and in the process of writing that code has become an expert on locks. So he may know.
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
If your Yale lock captures and reports that information over zwave you’ll need a special device handler which can process that information like this one
If you want to use that information to get custom notifications or take actions then you’ll need a SmartApp which can process RFID fobs like this one:
Thanks for the quick response. Not sure if my Yale model reports RFID and haven’t been able to find any definitive information. Model is Yale Smart Living YD-01-CON-NOMOD-CH Keyless Connected Ready Smart Door Lock
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
Key fobs are RFID. If your module supports sending that info over zwave the above should work for you just fine to capture and report that information.