Ok, I’ll admit I know ABSOLUTLY nothing about writing code but I am finding if I want to do anything other than extreme basic stuff, I’m going to have to learn.
I have a SmartThing starter kit with more Things coming, Alexa, Harmony with remote coming, and IFTTT.
I found the language ‘groovy’ here and wondering if this is the easiest/best way to learn/operate code?
I very much appreciate any assistance in learning program that you could give as I think I do need to learn to really utilize all this $ spent.
I’m running on iPad and iPhones, but do have a Windows desktop on the network.
Ty, Diane
Sorry, but now I am seeing Apache in SmartThings and wondering if this will do what I want? (which is about everything)
For learning to code, one of the easiest ways to start is take a look at various examples here on the forums and on the GitHub site, look how they differ, try changing it slightly and see what happens. Over time, you’ll get more comfortable with it.
Also check out @pstuart’s live code friday show. @ http://livecodefridays.com . He goes through coding various things and has started a coding concepts part of the show. All of his old shows are also available on the youtube channel
Thank you all for your answers.
I am starting with Git hub and IDE and what they are/how to access and use.
From there I’m thinking I will try to load the Rules Machine as this seems a more straight forward method for complex formulas that I could wrap my mind around. (A bit like basic algerbra)
Also, been watching the past Friday podcasts, tho still a bit overwhelmed with his easy of tech talk that is beyond me at the moment. Will work on.
Wish my Father was still here as he built his first computer in the 60’s the size of a dining room table and as heavy as a car. (Had to move it several times) He was a Mensa genius and I would have loved to have had his help now. Life.
Well, I’m sure you will not have seen the last of me here so hello to all and thank you all in advance for answering all the elementary q’s you’ll probably be seeing from me.
Ty, Diane
Ok, I’m not too bright with this apparently.
I am assuming ide means the smartthings app. I installed bravenel as a repository integration to gethub and saved.
*Now it says in instructions to go to settings, see two apps, copy and publish.
I lost it at *. I am not seeing any apps anywhere on ST. I see the code if I go to gethub but not sure how to get it into my ST.
Bottom left under New ( only in gethub)
I checked all 4 boxes publish, execute and get error message -
500: Internal Server Error
Reference Id
Thu Mar 03 15:09:20 UTC 2016
Genius. Checked only ones without png (don’t see done) and now getting the two programs showing published. Yea.
Namespace / Name GitHub Repository Status Category OAuth Locations
bravenel : Rule bravenel/Rule-Trigger (master) Published Convenience
bravenel : Rule Machine bravenel/Rule-Trigger (master) Published My Apps Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries