[WITHDRAWN] MyQ LiftMaster/Chamberlain

Are the lights remote? I know with my liftmaster that I can not control the lights independently, even though they are a remote unit. I spent a lot of time trying, and finally found in the manual how it is not myQ, but a relay,

I have a motion sensor on my garage door opener and it does what you want. Maybe a decent alternative.


I don’t think the lights are remote. Thanks for the suggestion, I think that clears it up.

Wasn’t sure if the limitation of the myQ or just the way I setup the Smartapp.

My garage door has a remote light that is not controllable by MyQ (even though its seems like it should be)


Hey there, how did you get it to control the lights? I don’t see that option anywhere.

Just loaded this in my SmartApps but I am having issues setting it up. I get to the setup asking for which door I want to use this with and after I select the door and hit done it says an unexpected error occurred. Any suggestions?

Try again? Check live logging and see what error message is really being tossed. Make sure the device handlers are installed and published in the IDE.

Here is the error I get in the live log:

physicalgraph.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException: Device type ‘MyQ Garage Door Opener’ in namespace ‘copy-ninja’ not found. @ line 115

Please bear with me as I am just learning all this. I have had the hub for a couple days.

It looks like I got it all setup properly now. I didn’t have it set to publish under my device handlers.

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Glad you got it worked out, that is what I thought was missing. The error message can be a bit confusing.

Quick question; the official application notifies you when the garage door opens or closes. I don’t. See any way to enable a notification on this. Is it possible?

See if this helps, it’s a Samsung provided SmartApp called “Notify Me When” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtPKU7Skcgc

I’ve got the application working to open the door, but it doesn’t close the door and I can’t get the lights to turn on and off with the light controller app. What am I doing wrong?

Are you using the “Switch Off” function to close the door? Or are you sending a “Door Close” command? I was using the Switch Off option, and it stopped working a while back. The Door Close command works great.

Thanks, I tried it but it never made any notification when the Garage Door was opened or closed.

I had this working - and after migrating to the v2 hub, I can’t get it to work.
I went into the app on my phone, and tried to do the setup again - after entering user/password info, it asks for the device on the next page. When I click Done, it gives an error message stating that it couldn’t save
I enabled logging on the IDE, and see the following

8:11:31 AM: error java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property ‘status’ on null object @ line 324
8:11:31 AM: debug getChildDevices(true), children=2
8:11:31 AM: info Refreshing data

8:11:30 AM: info Scheduling Auto Refresh

8:11:30 AM: info Last refresh was 24374231.5048666667 minutes ago
8:11:30 AM: debug getChildDevices(false), children=2

line 324 is

Not sure how to fix this - any suggestions?

Edit: Unpublished all of these (smartapp and device handlers), and added it fresh - and it is working now.


When trying to set this up I get error when hitting done at the end. IDE logging has the following error:

7:26:54 PM:
groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Ambiguous method overloading for method physicalgraph.event.EventService#create.

Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.util.LinkedHashMap] due to overlapping prototypes between:
[class physicalgraph.app.InstalledSmartApp, interface java.util.Map]
[class physicalgraph.device.cache.HubDTO, interface java.util.Map]
[class physicalgraph.device.cache.InstalledSmartAppDTO, interface java.util.Map]
[class physicalgraph.device.cache.LocationDTO, interface java.util.Map]
[class physicalgraph.location.Location, interface java.util.Map] @ line 115

Any body ahve any ideas?

In case you haven’t seen it:

Discuss amongst yourselves

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Yeah this yet another thing ST broke recently, you need to modify the code to use the hub id instead of passing null.

But all this is moot as of tonight, this is DH and SA dead! Thank you Chamberlain

I guess it would have been courteous of all involved parties to try to give some advance notice before pulling the plug. The ideal situation would have been to have a replacement official handler in place before pulling this Community one, donchathink. This didn’t become a problem overnight!

This Topic (and DTH) was launched in January 2015, right? That’s nearly 1.5 years for this to have been detected and resolved more cleanly.

Technical issues will exist and old code will be discovered to be inefficient / resource intensive / platform impacting; but if SmartThings and Chamberlain wish to have “world class” and “consumer friendly” products, then partnership protocols have to be thought out in advance to deal with these issues on a business-to-business level.

Regardless of who initiated this action, both company’s customers are negatively impacted and therefore, both company’s reputations are hurt.

SmartThings as an “open platform” is not just about technology – it’s about business relationships.

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No explaination needed from me on why I’m withdrawing this device handler. You should be aware that this code will no longer work. Please follow this thread: Discontinuation of MyQ Connect Community SmartApp

I understand the frustration of many on this news. I am upset about it too. However, looking at the bright side, I’m glad that this little project of mine has help many people for more than a year!

To whoever that wants to take up the challenge:
The codes will remain in my github. I wanted to plant the idea that there’s always an alternative solution like using Hub to call MyQ servers instead of relying on ST Cloud to do the work. Yes, there is still some hope :wink: