Where is the $100 wifi/bluetooth speaker/remote display for home automation?

That setup is missing this piece from the first post:

to remotely control equipment all over your house

You can already buy an inexpensive android phone that does all the rest of it. Some for as low as $10 and some with lots of features for $20 -$30.


There are already community members using those, no reason to build your own.

And you can do a nice looking tablet for just a little more.

@beckwith has a project report on a very nice one, but there are others described in the forums as well.

So there are quite a few options, but once you drop the direct device control and just go to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth interaction, I think I’d personally start with a phone. You get a lot more options at a similar or maybe even lower price than trying to build it yourself from parts.

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