What should I do? (Best smart lock system for doctor's office?)

Here is my dilemma. A doctors office that hires me occasionally to perform some work for them asked me to install a new keypad lock for them this coming weekend on their employee door. They want to have remote access to lock/unlock and add/delete user codes. I picked them up a Schlage Connect from Lowe’s as that is what is readily available. Plus I have 4 of these on my home 2 of which are controlled through Smartthings.

So to my dilemma… should I install a Smartthings or Wink hub so they can control it? I know some of the members here have used Wink before. This needs to be an “easy” experience for them. Thanks for the help!

SmartLocks is an easy solution to assign static codes for employees. If they’re looking for more sophisticated user management like multiple schedules, expirations, one time codes etc you may want to check out [RELEASE] Lock User Management: Door lock code manager (create, delete and schedule codes) with automatic lock/unlock, custom user actions and SHM/ADT integration

The downside of ST is that it run on a cloud, the upside of ST is the awesome apps, flexibility and community.

However once the codes are programmed to the lock they will continue to function and the cloud doesn’t impact the lock operations.

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