And they’ve already disconnected, so device health doesn’t change things and trying to add WeMo advanced for polling doesn’t do anything to remedy the problem either.
After trying several things for the past few days, I’ve found a simpler solution for the temporary fix, instead of deleting and re-adding the light switches.
In the ST app, if I click on the switch itself (the detailed view of the Thing), and click on the Refresh circle in the Right Now tab, it reconnects the device and recognized my Smart Lighting routines… for awhile.
Not sure if it will work for others, but refreshing the status is easier for me than adding/deleting
I ended up installing pollster from GitHub last night and while wonky and possibly burdenous from a network traffic point of view, it did keep my four switches alive overnight.
I guess it will have to do until the issue is actually addressed.
I’ve had the frequency at 5 minutes and knowing that works I am going to start scaling it back. My guess is a 30 minute refresh should do the trick.
Looking at the IDE, it seems around 45-48 minutes is the minimum elapsed time ST loses track of the WeMo devices, so a refresh or poll previous to that should be enough to keep the devices alive in perpetude.
I have been using Pollster since this started, it has now spread to ihome WiFi devices.
SmartThings support doesn’t officially monitor these forums. The best thing you can do is to officially report it to support and mention that you have noticed other people having the same problems based on posts in the forums.
But a forum post on its own isn’t going to do anything.
+1 for that recommendation; they reached out very quickly to me, letting me know that their Inbox had received a lot of issues with WeMo in the past few days, along with some suggestions to help them narrow down the issue.
They may not be able to do an immediate fix, but the larger the audience they denote as having the issue, and the more people to help narrow down the symptoms, will hopefully help. Yes, I’m very optimistic.
Update from Support:
Hi all, I’m having the same issues everyone here is describing. I called support today, their 2 suggestions of rebooting the hub (using small button on back, v2 hub) and then removing and re-adding my 3 WeMo light switches. Neither worked and they’re back to not updating statuses correctly.
I’ve been using these just fine for the past 3 months with the hub, I’m convinced it was the last update to version 2.3.1. I’ll be calling back tomorrow and mentioning this lengthy discussion thread and the number of people experiencing the same WeMo issues.
The post right above yours is explaining that this is now fixed. I did have to manually refresh my Wemos in the ST app to get them all synced-up (they did not seem to correct themselves without that refresh). So far so good.
Thanks for responding.
Still doesn’t seem to be working for me… I deleted my 4 wemo light switches last night to troubleshoot and now I can’t get them to be recognized in ST… even tough they work perfectly in the wemo app
I just got my SmartThings Hub yesterday afternoon, and had it up and running with WeMo about 18 hours ago. I didn’t have any issues with WeMo in the ST app, but it’s probably because so many people already reported it, and the fix was in the works before I had an issue.
I’ve gotta say though, I’ve been using WeMo switches for 4 years now, and I’ve never really been that impressed with Wemo until I got my ST hub. The ST seems to keep better track of the devices, and they respond faster to ST than on the Android app, local or remote. All of a sudden my WeMo devices seem on par with my Z-Wave devices. It’s kind of funny because this morning I woke up and clicked the button in the Wemo app to turn on a lamp, and the device disappeared from Wemo like it was offline (not uncommon for me). I went to the ST app and it turned on instantly there. I understand its resolved now, was just a bit surprised to read this thread, because it’s the opposite of what I experienced!
My experience exactly. I gave up on Wemo rules and the app some time back.
Still not working here either - I tried rebooting the hub but that didn’t fix anything. The IDE states my Dining room light hasn’t switched status for the last 5 days. And my Fish tank won’t turn off at night because ST thinks its already off. Real frustrating. If there’s a fix I wish we could manually force it to happen.
Hello, I am having the same issue with my Weemo connected to a Z-Wave Outdoor module. It was working great for months. When i hit the weemo switch, it would activate my outdoor lights, which was awesome since I have a really dark back yard. I was in contact with support, but they stated that they don’t support Weemo devices, but they are going to point me in the right direction. I am awaiting another reply. Attached are a couple of links to images. The first is a live log of the error when trying to turn on the weemo to activate the outdoor switch:
And the second is the app. It seems to get stuck in the “Turning on” state
Does anyone have any input on this type of error? Was it because of the update? I cannot find any relevant info other than this post…
Sadly, the fix they pushed out broke pollster functionality with the WeMo hubs. I’m now back to being dead in the water. I have 4 outlets and 4 of them don’t work.
So far so good here, no WeMo problems.
Mine started working yesterday afternoon