Wall-Mounted 120V Button Controller for Smartthings?

Finally made an account after reading so many of these kinds of posts. I am looking for the same exact thing @rbcap. From what I’ve gathered so far, there are NO smartthings ready out of the box, mains powered scene controllers.

I bought the TOPGREENER 8 button scene controller thinking it was exactly what I needed but you can only control lights from a few Chinese manufacturers in the app. I went down a long rabbit hole of converting the controller using tuyaconvert to a custom controller but I got stuck somewhere along the way and never went back to it (I should give it another try since we’re stuck inside already). Anyways, NO GO


VRCS4-M0Z. Others have so mentioned it. I have a love hate relationship with this one. It’s not out of the box ready but it was the simplest to set up. And it works (sometimes). This guy helped with a very good tutorial:


Now for the hate part. It seems like the buttons sometimes don’t respond at all. I’d turn the lights on and come back to turn them off but the button doesn’t turn them off. I’m planning on into it’s DH code soon and see if there’s an issue there.

@JDRoberts thanks for all the help you’ve given in this thread. You help more lurkers (me 10 min ago) than you think. You mentioned some devices I haven’t seen before that I need to research too :thinking:.

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