VLC Thing. A Poor Man's Sonos. Version 2.0 Released 12/22/2016

So can VLC Thing be used to launched/play soundclip ‘Welcome home’ on an iphone provided it’s in range of wifi signal?

New to VLC Thing just wondering…
if so what would be the components that need to be integrated?

  1. BigTalker installed on smartthings app
  2. OLD Laptop always [on] with VLC player
  3. VLC Thing Device Handler installed on graph.ide
  4. iphone with VLC thing configured with IP address

sometimes the last few words get cut off on first play. Weird.
Using sonos smartapp to play to VLC thing speaker

Hi @geko,

I have talked with @Tyler and he regarding VLC Thing not having the capability for Audio Notifications. Can you chime in on this? I have stombled onto a problem just yesterdat that I cant have custom text-to-speach notifications on my VLC Thing.


I was attempting to setup my VLC Thing to work with the new ST Audio player app from the market place. And I was unable to select VLC Thing player device.

Yeah, this capability was added after VLC has been developed, so it’s not implemented, unfortunately.

Do you have an app that can be use with VLC Thing that can do text to speach announcments now? Because ST has done it again. My VLC setup is usless now.

I’ll update VLC Thing when I got some spare time.

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Thank you @geko.

Any chance for an update?

As an experiment last night, I added the line to declare the Audio Notifications capability in with the other capabilities. While it might not be the perfect solution, and it might not work for all permutations it is at least somewhat functional.

It works for me in Talking Alarm Clock for the morning weather and the Alarm Summary, it also says a custom message in Speaker Companion.

Literally, all I had to do was add the following line after the other capability lines, then to be safe I logged out and restarted the app.

capability “Audio Notifications”

Can you tell me on which line in the code and what code did you past?

I changed this block of code lines 43-48

    capability "Actuator"
    capability "Switch"
    capability "Music Player"
    capability "Speech Synthesis"
    capability "Refresh"
    capability "Polling"

It is now the following block

    capability "Actuator"
    capability "Switch"
    capability "Music Player"
    capability "Speech Synthesis"
    capability "Refresh"
    capability "Polling"
    capability "Audio Notification"

I have added the missing line and will test it tonight. Will update my reply. Thank you @Nigel.

Hi guys,

I’ve read the post several times but haven’t yet stumbled on to a fix for my issue - I have VLC on my MacBook Air , sleep disabled, VLC Thing on my iPhone 7 , ports on both set to 8080, vlcremote password on both, IP address for MacBook taken off Fing app and my Netgear router web interface so I guess its right and that’s used on the iOS app …

it works great and then will intermittently disconnect and I get the red arrow of doom , it will then reconnect sporadically and then cycle continues over and over - I love the app but am frustrated by the connection issues and I am considering just buying those expensive speakers that I don’t need or can afford really.

Any suggestions on a fix would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks


Don’t think anyone replied to this, but just another thanks, adding the missing capability to the device handler does seem to work!

I tried @Nigel code and it looks to be working.

I want to try VLC Thing out but I had a few questions first. I want to play some custom mp3s when certain events occur. From my understanding, I can use Big Talker in conjunction with VLC Thing. But from my understanding, Big Talker only does text to voice. I am interested in playing custom Mp3s.

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Hi @bickyb,

I have a solution for you. I have my VLC Thing running off the Pi Zero W and now have totaly switched to a new community app which can do all you want and more for voice and other announcments with custom sounds and text-2-speach it is by @SBDOBRESCU. Try it with VLC thing. If you need a helpfull walkthrough, please check out my post.


Yes, I had the same problem! The problem is in the GitHub readme, you link to broken code here:

Point number 5 where you have linked “source code”:


That’s why it isn’t working for everyone the first time around - maybe you can update the readme so it doesn’t confuse anyone else. I almost gave up trying until I read through this whole post :slight_smile:

Thanks for making this awesome code, you’re a star!

I follow the instruction to install, but do not work when I click test or play on VLC.

So on browser I entered my ip Skip the user id and enter your password, works I can control the VLC.

EDIT: I just reboot all device so works.:grinning:

I get a “No Connection” message in my log files.

VLCThing connection is disconnected
Name Value
archivable true
“microDeviceTile”: {
“type”: “standard”,
“icon”: “st.secondary.refresh”,
“backgroundColor”: “#ea5462
date 2017-12-20 9:02:39.101 PM CST (2017-12-21T03:02:39.101Z)
description VLCThing connection is disconnected
deviceId 54ac874b-7792-45ea-9086-a776f2624575
deviceTypeId ea9a1352-116f-451c-ac11-56a06a4970e6
displayed true
eventSource DEVICE
hubId 27b598fd-da2c-4e59-a66f-bd6f574597db
id 679a0ab0-e5fb-11e7-9a13-02277982aa9e
isStateChange true
isVirtualHub false
linkText VLCThing
locationId 1c3ceee8-e540-48e7-b2bb-d415717d22e8
name connection
translatable false
unixTime 1513825359101
value disconnected
viewed false

I really wish it would just work with my Echo … i don’t need anymore speakers around the house. What about an old iPhone? Any way that can work? Cause i can pair that with the Echo.