Using with surge protector and mac

Hi i’m planning on controlling lights in a studio, its the first time i’ve ever looked into this smart home stuff. I have a surge protector with these things connected:

2 big photography lights
midi keyboard piano
3 ios charging cables
1 fcb1010 midi controller footpedal

Some questions:

1.What kind of device is best to use for this?

  1. Is there any electrical/fire hazard risk from using a smart kind of device with the surge protector?

3., i would just put the device between the wall outlet and the surge protector , correct?

  1. Are there any precautions/things i should make sure of before implementing the device?

  2. I want to control the lights via keyboard shortcuts on a Mac. I’ve found a post from a few yrs ago that seems to allow this (StatusThing – mac statusbar app). Wondering if this is the best solution for doing this or there are other better options?
