At a time like this, it was interesting when I saw this thread (from March 27, 2015) yesterday while looking for something else…
To be clear, I’ve sort of already drank the kool-aid (especially since I can’t afford to change platforms any time in the near future), and I’m a really big fan. The problem now is that I’m starting to be a bigger fan of this Community forum and some of the SmartApp coders around here than the platform itself, or its makers (I know that sounded stupid and cheesy, but…).
I mean, I know the platform makes what these folks do possible in the first place, but seriously, where would we be without things like Rule Machine (@bravenel / @Mike_Maxwell), SmartTiles (@625alex / @tgauchat), and a bunch of other SmartApps and Device Handlers (most of which is on-hold while we wait for things to get cleared up).
I’m fine with waiting (betting a company as big and successful as Samsung will do what’s needed, and get this taken care of; especially since satisfied customers are their greatest assets, and they’re not a non-profit). I assume many aren’t.
My only question is this… How will we know?
How will we know when we’ve gotten to the point where the system is stable? I’m not just talking about the current system instability problems. I’m wondering about way down the road when the system has matured to the point that things like this can’t happen. How far down the road is that, and/or how will we know when we’re there? Will it simply be a matter of track record over time?