Update on Groovy Platform Migrations

What I feel has been missing from the migration process is a tool that tells you what the expected outcome is as things stand. A dry run if you like.

Outside of migration I feel that the onboarding process should offer you a list of options of drivers it can reasonably use and let you choose between using one of them, parking the device as a thing and worrying about it later, and not doing anything at all.


How did you know what moved over? I had 5, which I found out from the API, but so far canā€™t figure out what they are.

I have a webCoRE piston on Hubitat that makes regular calls to the SmartThings API and keeps track.

I created a spreadsheet when all of this started, listing all of my devices that need to convert. As they convert, I test and mark them complete.

I look at the count of DTH devices via API Browser+. Open API Browser+. If itā€™s your first time, you wil need to get a Personal Access Token and configure it.
Assuming that you are logged in, Go to Devices/Devices
After the list appears, click on Filter button and choose Device Type. DTH should be selected, click Filter. You will now see a list of devices that are still using a DTH., as well as a count of these devices, at the top. As the number changes, I compare the list to my spreadsheet.


How/where do you get the Personal Access Token?
Thank you

create a Personal Access Token at SmartThings. Add a little smartness to your things.

I had been using the ā€œplaceholderā€ in the IDE to ID devices, but that has become unreliable, so Iā€™ve been using the API, but short of doing what you are doing, there is no easy way to go through my remaining 84 devices and figure out what has changed. It appears that everything appears to be working, so perhaps this is the most important thing.

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I also have had 2 more devices migrate over the last few days. One Zigbee Switch, Inle Smart Light Switch and one - Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus Smart Outdoor Switch, 1-Outlet Plug-In (2nd Gen.). That still leaves me with 6 devices that have not yet migrated. They are all NuTone NWD500Z Smart Z-Wave Enabled Wall Dimmer Switchs.

5 devices have migrated to edge in last 3 days after nothing for about 4 or 5 months.
4 temp sensors and one wall switch.
Still 13 devices to go

Sheesh. Iā€™ve had nothing else migrant for months after the initial migration.

Iā€™ve had a flurry of migrations happen the past few days after nothing for months. One device remaining nowā€¦

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I had 4 assorted devices migrate this past week. Last time any migrated was before last Christmas.

Iā€™ve got 8 remaining unmigrated. All are z-wave, all are Zooz zen26 and zen27 switches/dimmers. A number of my zen26 and zen27 devices migrated last year.

Seems like a 1+ per day are migrating for me now after a long hiatus. The latest one is weird. I have an Enbrighten Z-Wave In-Wall Smart Motion Dimmer (26933) which converted last night, but the old one was copied but not converted, and I already had one for dimming and one for the switch (not sure why I had two), so now I have three. One new edge that links to the existing routines (all were previously off), the original one without edge, and the third extra dimmer which is not edge. Wondering if I should erase the two duplicates (but not Edge)?


4 posts were split to a new topic: [Edge migration] Device migrated to a stock driver doesnā€™t work correctly

My final 6 devices have migrated. They were all NuTone NWD500Z Smart Z-Wave Enabled Wall Dimmer Switchs. Thank you to the SmartThings team. It took awhile but all my devices automatically migrated.


Smart Lighting Automations Now seem to be broken after migration. I have to actually open them, change them somehow and resave for them to work. There are hundredsā€¦ I donā€™t really want to go through each one to make them work again. Is there any plan to fix these at Large?

I had a very strange thing happed today. two of my Z Wave Aeon Key Fob stopped working properly and I noticed they had been migrated to the Standard Z Wave Edge driver which didnā€™t recognize the 4 buttons. So I installed a community edge Driver and moved to it instead. Tested it and all was fine. No issues. However now Iā€™m checking again and in IDE its back with a IDE device handler. But in the App, its using the Edge Driver. I assume this is a bug in IDE and in reality it is using Edge ? Has anyone experienced this. And should I care ?

at this point, you may want to use API Browser+ instead of IDE.

The SmartThings Advanced Web App would also be a suitable alternative if you prefer native tools.


Thanks, yes I forgot and of course the API Browser+ is giving me the Edge Driver information, so all is as it should be. Iā€™m now down to 4 devices with old Device Handlers. out of 250+ . I think Iā€™ll move what I can manually, which will leave just 1 device that I canā€™t find a driver for. So not bad at all.