[UNSUPPORTED] Enphase Envoy (local access)


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Hello, Anyone here set up scraping of the html page from the older Envoy-C? (pill shaped, production monitoring only, software older than R3.9.xx) Mine is R3.7.26 and the .json pages are not there. It sounded like @chewie8han had the same version Envoy, ever get it working? The html pages are there with data, just different format to scrape from, not as simple as the nice .json format.

Iā€™m using homeassistant, and the code there works for the .json pages on newer s/w Envoy-C and Envoy-S ( /api/v1/production, /production.json pages), as it sounds like you have working here also. I figure Iā€™ll add to the home assistant envoy_reader code, to do the .html pages on the older s/w Envoy-C, if itā€™s not available somewhere already.

Thanks! Go home automation!!

Iā€™m just using the current version of the DTH posted in the first post. Pollster refreshes the data every 15 minutes for me. I have no experience with homeassistant, so I canā€™t really help you there.

For some reason when I go to enter the setup data in the settings, a Red banner keeps popping up saying that i need to enter all required fields when trying to save even know they already are! Any thoughts?

Just got my Solar!
Still waiting for the NetMeter, so it isnā€™t quite on yet, but Iā€™m getting ready to play here! :slight_smile:Is this just a DTH and no App?

39 - 315W Panels
IQ7 MicroInvertersā€¦ (So I THINK the Inverter size is 350W) - Will this work with the IQ7?

Excited to see this work! :slight_smile:

Can I pull any info from this for my ActionTiles Dashboard? (I see I canā€¦ please explain the difference between POWER vs Energy Valuesā€¦?)

FINALLY got things goingā€¦
Looks like I have the M250 Inverters, based on the part number I saw in the Enlighten App detailsā€¦
And my PV Modules appear to be the 315W Panelsā€¦ (PV Module: REC315PE72 REC).

The numbers still seem to not align with the data I see in the Enlighten appā€¦??

I also seem to be seeing a Java Timeout error when making queries to the DBā€¦

10:53:57 AM: **error java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException**: Execution time exceeded 20 app execution seconds: 521964122406836 @line 520 (dataCallback)
10:53:37 AM: trace Querying DB for yesterday's dataā€¦
10:53:37 AM: debug Solar - new data: [wattHoursLifetime:41078, wattHoursSevenDays:39739, wattHoursToday:21154, wattsNow:7233]
10:53:37 AM: debug Solar - new data: [wattHoursLifetime:41078, wattHoursSevenDays:39739, wattHoursToday:21154, wattsNow:7233]
10:53:37 AM: debug Solar - requesting latest data from Envoy via JSON APIā€¦ 

I seem to be seeing yesterday and todays data being the same alsoā€¦??

Also, after further debugging of the code, I see what others have seen on the past, it SEEMS to be completely unable to save the STATE dataā€¦ do PowerChange isnt working, as well as the graph dataā€¦
Still working on TRYING to debug itā€¦ but still not workingā€¦ :confused: Iā€™m almost assuming it is related to the timeout trying to get historical data, but not sureā€¦

Iā€™ve actually gone through and commented every block like this in the codeā€¦ (thereā€™s 4 of themā€¦)

// 2019-07-11 - KTK - This call is causing a timeout and apparently an exit!
//while ((newValues = device.statesBetween("energy", startOfToday, energyData.last().date, [max: 288])).size()) {
//	energyData += newValues

This gets rid of the Java errors everybody sees, and then immediately my graph started populatingā€¦
Additionally, my powerChange and other STATE values were finally gettign properly stored/updatedā€¦

Iā€™ll have to dig through this more to understand what it removes from functionalityā€¦
but I seem to have a workign APPā€¦

NOW, what I need to try and figure out is what that Power Reading isā€¦ (wattHoursToday, as I cant get that number to match anything in the Elighten data or even if I connect to the Enphase Envoy directly with the toolkit and look at live dataā€¦??? SO what is that???

It LOOKS like this thread is basically deadā€¦ kind of a bummerā€¦ :frowning:

Those lines are trying to read the db (event history) to populate the history for the graphs.

On ST, these commands are notorious for timing out. commenting them out is likely the best thing to do as they wonā€™t run much once the history is populated.

The latest version of the code will try to populate the history only once ā€“ if it times out it will not try againā€¦

I thought I downloaded the latest code just a couple weeks agoā€¦ but it kept repeatedly sending those errors, causing the function to drop out and nothing would get savedā€¦

Have you updated the code in the last week or two?

I also cant get my install date, so seems like in this situation, it might be better to just add a config option to enable entering a date and use that if you cant get it from the systemā€¦
My Envoy pops the user/password prompt when trying /production urlā€¦ :frowning:

Alsoā€¦ for the wattHoursToday valueā€¦ what is that? It certainly doesnā€™t seem to match what comes back from my Enlighten monitoring dataā€¦ (or is that part of a calculation somewhere and why we need to enter the # of panels, PV Type and Panel max value? (My Panels have a NOMINAL output of 315ā€¦ not sure what the MAX isā€¦)

No, it has been longer than that.

Seems like you are running a FW on your Envoy that isnā€™t really supported by this DTH, Iā€™ve never seen user/pass request for the production page.

That is the current power (in Wh) produced so far for the current date. The Enlighten website will show those values with a delay with respect to the Envoy and it adds some filtering/post-processing which will make the values not fully agree at the end of the day. I prefer using the raw data as reported by the Envoyā€¦

Iā€™ve actually got this: https://enphase.com/sites/default/files/downloads/support/IQ-Combiner3-DS-EN-US.pdf

I see Iā€™m on a higher FW revision than has been mentioned in hereā€¦

But with the changes Iā€™ve made so far, iā€™ve got basic functionalityā€¦ but no lifetime values at this pointā€¦

Iā€™m also not getting any color on the tilesā€¦ :frowning:
Did I maybe somehow end up with an older version of the code??

Did this stuff ever get incorporated into the code, and I somehow got an older version?? This would GREAT to be able to have and add to action tiles dashboardsā€¦`

Mines was working fine for the past couple years until now! A few days ago, smartthings was showing the device as " unavailable" so I uninstalled then reinstalled everything. Readings throughout the day seem to be accurate, as well as lifetime and last 7 day production, but ā€œyesterdayā€ seems to be incorrect pretty frequently. Itā€™s been about 4 days and still NOTHING showing up on the graph. Any ideas? I vaguely remember changing something in the code before (when it worked) but I could be wrong.

Iā€™ve never even heard of that before ā€“ looks interesting though!

I see youā€™re running on Android ā€“ most likely thatā€™s the reason for the lack of colors in the efficiency tiles.

Anybody happen to know where I can get my hands on this code branch?

Iā€™d also be interested in the handler that looks at consumption too after getting my system installed yesterday! :slight_smile:

Iā€™m going to third that. Anyone have the code for consumption?

Iā€™m more than interested in making updates, but would like to find the consumption branchā€¦

Actually, Iā€™d love to figure out how to combine them into a single app/dthā€¦

Also still interested in why the energy generated is so far off from what I see in Enlighten, and even pvoutput dataā€¦ 20kWH difference today seems like a big differenceā€¦

I donā€™t see that, in fact my output in Enlighten pretty much matches what I see in Smartthings.