[UK] Scolmore ZIgbee Sockets & Modules


They do not report power useage. @Mariano_Colmenarejo has created an edge driver that works perfectly with the ClickSmart products.

I have spoken to ClickSmart regsrding future development and official smartthings compatibility and they have zero interest because the “offer a wide variety of smart home devices that work with their hub”
I said that their hub doesnt really work with people
Who have established smarthomes and who are looking to add UK 13a twin sockets without yet another hub.
They replied saying they would pass to their developer.
Drop them an email, put some pressure on them

Now that the above edge driver is made. They are fantastic zigbee sockets. If its power usage your after then you can use the above aurora ones with the same edge driver mentioned above.

Aurora have also cut support for smartthings