We have all invested in Smartthngs and no doubt most of you have some form of smart multi-sensor or a temperature sensor.
The central heating in most UK homes works by means of turning on and off power to diverter valves that also switch the pump and boiler on.
So here is the plan, use the temperature sensors I already have, add in a Z-wave relay, wire it to the correct diverter and with some SmartApp and Device Handler magic I can take control of my heating remotely for less than £40 of hardware.
If you are interested let me know and you can support the project by making a donation to my favourite charity: https://www.nowdonate.com/checkout/pv0j03m4s1o1x60o6bh2
Ideas for features and functions are welcome and I may well need help testing so do let me know.
Ideas and features could include:
Temperature set points for each schedule interval (e.g. set the temperature lower over night or when you are usuallu out)
Multiple heating zones
Anticipation during cold weather (e.g. bring on the heating early if the outside temperature is low)
Virtual Thermostat to control the heating from your mobile device.
Manual override switch (for when smart things is down) via existing thermostat so it is never cold in the mornings.
The initial plan is to develop this on a two zone S-Plan central heating system using a Fibaro FGS-223 or FGS-222 because that’s what I have. I will draw up an installation schematic as a guide, but take no responsibility for your indivdual installations.