Turn off after 800 mins only in away mode doesn't work

after my house goes in away mode I want my hot water tank to turn off after 800 mins. Nothing happened first try and it looks right to me, what am I missing?

You should watch Live Logging in the IDE for your app to make sure the off command is being sent, and for your device to see if it received the command.

Based on what you want to do, why do you have Power Allowance as a trigger? You shouldn’t need that as long as your away mode is active.

What triggers away mode? If it’s a routine, turn off another switch and use that as your trigger?

Away mode is triggered by inactivity, I use power allowance to turn other stuff off after so many minutes but not with any other conditions. I don’t want to turn it off as soon as away mode triggers because sometimes I’m laying in bed too long and it triggers, I only want it off after I’ve been on away mode for 12-13 hours. If I take away power allowance I lose the after so many minutes option.

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From what i can tell, restrictions in these rules are only applied/evaluated when a rule is triggered and For power allowance, that is when the device turns on and an event is scheduled for the power allowance duration.

So, if mode is away and the device is turned on this rule will be applied, but only changing the mode doesn’t cause the rule to trigger and turn something off that is already on. You need a more advanced rule (like from webcore) for that (or perhaps a series of virtual switches and rules).

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They’re right about restrictions. It won’t trigger you action like that. If you want to stick with Smart Lighting, you might create a virtual switch, modify your Away routine and add a couple of rules in Smart Lighting.

First create a virtual switch, as part of the routine that kicks in Away mode, have it turn on that virtual switch. Set up the 800 minute power allowance rule for on that switch (the Away mode restriction won’t matter because the only time that should turn on is when it goes to Away mode). Then, set up a second rule and have the hot water tank mirror the virtual switch. It could turn on without the virtual switch being on, but when the virtual switch turns off, it’d turn off too, I think.

Hope that helps!

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I think this will result in the water tank turning off even if mode changes from away.

The way I have it right now it doesn’t turn off, it’s been over 24 hours since away mode triggered, I see what you guys are saying tho. Need to trigger it on in away mode first, even if it’s already on correct? Then the timer will count down

Ok I figured I could turn on hwt in away routine and it would work but since it’s already on maybe that’s what makes that not work.

I’ll just learn webcore I suppose, thanks all

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