Hi all,
I’m new to Smartthings, but have done development in the past. I’m struggling with this, but feel that I’m very close to making it work… but not quite.
I have a Smartthings Outlet, and I’ve set up Kristopher Kubicki’s “HTTP Motion Endpoint” smartapp. I’ve added a “Smart Lighting” SmartApp, and have successfully gotten it to turn the outlet on from my phone, and turn off after xx minutes.
However, when I try to hit the URL that I’m provided from Kristopher’s SmartApp, I get an error, typically like:
{“error”:true,“type”:“AccessDenied”,“message”:“This request is not authorized by the specified access token”}
This happens from my browser. I get similar messages from Blue Iris, when I try to set up the Web Alert.
Can anyone suggest why I get the AccessDenied error with Kristopher’s code?
Thanks very much!