Trying to Connect a Gas Fireplace

So I’ve finally found what I think will be a good replacement blower (I’ve had several exchanges with the owner). I also have an electrician coming to do the installation.

I plan on using the remotec device to handle the on/off. This unit has a separate control to connect to a wall switch blower control. Can I use a different zwave control instead?

My fireplace blower used a regular light switch and I was able to replace it with a standard ge z wave switch

Right - my question is about the blower (sorry if that wasn’t clear). I’ve seen references to people using a dimmer switch to control the blower.

I’m not sure about the fan switch(don’t use a dimmer) for the blower.

I hadn’t thought of that, I will probably see if my electrician can make this change! I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.( ***But use a Fan Switch, not a dimmer.***)

***I’m not an electrician - I highly recommend checking with one for things like this, every use case is different.

I wrote a nice device type for the remotec, it exposes an internal feature that allows a configurable setting that I’ve setup as an auto off feature. I use this feature for the fireplaces, where it’s set for 60 minutes.
So be it alexa, or the physical switch that turns on the fireplace, it goes off in an hour.


I finally got my blower installed and I am now focusing on trying to get the on/off switch installed. I purchased a Remotec ZFM-80US and I am now focusing on getting that to work.

The main problem I am having when looking at the diagram is that I don’t know if this is a low-voltage setup or not. Do I need another power source? Is there a way to tell? I’d hate to pay an electrician to come out to tell me that he can only partially set it up. If it helps I linked the instructions earlier in this post.

are you trying to run the blower from the remotec? or turn the fireplace on/off or both.

Just the fireplace - the new blower comes on by itself when it comes up to temperature so I don’t need to manipulate it.

Does the fireplace have an existing toggle switch? If so the existing two wires running to the switch connect to the load terminals on the remotec.

Thanks so much for your response. It does - if you look at my initial post there is a pic of the current switch and the wires. There is a red and white wire coming from the switch and they each connect to a wire that runs to the fireplace. I see two load entries on the unit - one for Live and one for Neutral.

There are 6 terminals on the remotec.
two marked relay load (the two in the center), connect the two wires that go to your existing switch here.
one each marked L and N, these connect to a source of live 120 AC, L goes to black, N goes to white
You can use the pushbutton on the remote for local control, or connect another pushbutton/toggle switch to remaining terminals marked with the pushbutton symbol.

So would the black wire most likely be the one that the red wire is currently connected to? The wires are the same color.

Also, can I simply control this with a z-wave remote or hub? That was my understanding when I purchased it.

There are a total of 4 wires, not two that need to go to the remotec.
You have two from the existing switch, these go to the two center terminals on the remotec, which one connects to which terminal is unimportant.
So you remove the existing switch, the two wires that you disconnected go to the center terminals on the remotec.
The remotec needs a source of power to operate, this source of power is not available on the two wires from the existing switch, so you need to connect the L and N terminals to 120VAC, you already have this someplace as you connected a fan kit…
If this is still not making any sense, you’re going to have to fetch a buddy with some electrical experience to set this up for you.
Needless to say you absolutely need to turn of the power via breaker box before messing with the electrics.

Thanks - that confirms what I kind of thought would be the case. So it would be best for me to get some help with this one. I don’t know that I would be able to fish another wire through the wall to the fireplace. However, I completely forgot that there is a light switch right next to the fireplace switch. That would suffice for power, right? I just want to make sure I fully understand what I need before I engage an electrician.

What’s the difference between your custom type and setting up a new light automation to automatically turn the switch off after a certain period of time?

My device implements the turn off in hardware, meaning it doesn’t require ST to turn it off.
As long as ST does what it’s supposed to, and you’re internet is up, then there is no difference.
For a fail safe on a gas fireplace, I trust the hardware more than I trust ST.

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I do too. Thanks for setting this up. I was hoping that was the case! Great job.

What is the difference in the external switch modes?

I found it in the manual - fancy that… For my case with a normal on off rocker switch I set it to Toggle NO

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For those interested I have been scouring the forums and the Interwebs for a nice install article for this Remotec that including my scenario of a gas fireplace with electronic ignition + a low voltage switch and how to make it all work. I just came across two using the Remotec and it worked great. Hope these are helpful to you:


i am just wondering if anything new or better has come out since this topic was put to bed. i was going to do the remotec relay route with Mike’s code
i was concerned about safety, but if no one has had any issues, i’d love to try it and go forward, unless someone here has some better advice or options for me. Thanks in advance (i’m a noob)