I would suggest using @TAustin “API Browser+” you can look at and possibly change drivers when a device is marked offline. If it is truly offline you won’t be able to change the driver.
NOTICE!!: SmartThings has now released its own equivalent of this app here , so you may prefer to use that instead.
I have a browser-based web app that provides a point-and-click way to explore most of the SmartThings API. For the non-technical, this gives you access to an important SmartThings resource without having to learn tools like Postman, curl, or the CLI. You don’t even need a computer: a tablet or even smartphone can be used. For the more technically inclined, it provides much faster and more convenient access to those commonly-accessed CLI commands. Although I originally thought of it as a portal for the non-technical, I’ve actually found it quite useful to use during my own development activities.
This is not intended as a replacement or ‘competitor’ to the CLI, mysmart…