Toggle a Lutron Caseta CLARO switch with SmartThings App?

With the SmartThings App, I am trying to force my front porch light ON, which is controlled by a Heath Zenith SL-5210 decorative lighting control Motion sensor, with a Lutron Casita Claro Smart Switch that is powering the sensor.

I’ve been experimenting with the SmartThings App, but so far, unable to get it to automatically “TOGGLE” a switch. I can physically toggle the Lutron CLARO switch to force my Porch light on manually thereby overriding the Heath Zenith Motion Switch. Attached are some screen grabs that I’ve modified with Photoshop to better illustrate what I am trying to accomplish with a TOGGLE script …

Another idea that I had was to “Program an Automatic Routine with two commands within the SmartThings App” if that could be done.

Right now to manually override the exterior motion sensor, we have to toggle the Claro Smart Switch OFF for one second, then back ON.

Is there a script available for creating an automatic routine with TWO COMMANDS in SmartThings along these lines:

• At 15 minutes After Sunset
• Everyday

• Turn Off
• Porch Light (Claro Smart Switch)

• Turn On
• 1/2 or 1 second after



Create a routine:

IF Porch Light off

THEN Porch Light on

Then turn the Porch Light off. The routine will turn it back on with a little delay of about a second.

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Hello Andreas,

First I need to toggle the power OFF, then ON to override the Motion Sensor in order to have my porch light illuminated…

So with that in mind for your routine, shouldn’t it be:

IF Porch Light *(Power)* is ON
THEN Porch Light OFF
THEN Porch Light ON

Which would TOGGLE the switch OFF/ON within about a second?

Right now, I don’t think that the SmartThings App will allow the two commands within one routine, so I would have to do this with two routines, correct?


One routine to turn it off at sunset.

One routine to turn it on if it is turned off.

That would turn the switch off and right back on at a specific time. If this isn’t what you want, I’m afraid that I don’t understand your setup.

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or look to see if SharpTools Rules Engine works for you.

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Connect the porch light directly to the smart switch, get a motion detector that you can add to SmartThings.

Create a super simple routine. Done.

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No it won’t. They allow for you to turn a device on and to automatically turn it off after a delay, but not to turn it off and automatically turn it back on after a delay. I think they had a failure of the imagination there.

If you find two routines do the toggling too quickly you can specify a delay in the one that turns the light back on. It really depends on whether there are both minimum and maximum delays for the toggle to have the desired effect.


Good morning Andreas,

Awesome, it worked! Here are screen captures from my SmartThings Routines + One ‘All Nodes Off’ Schedule from the Lutron App:

Thank you for your help!