Time input breaking simulator

This is probably something stupidly simple, but when I have this line in my prefs:

section("But don't turn on the lights after my bedtime of..."){
	input "bedtime", "text", title: "Bedtime", required: false

then the simulator works and I can enter stuff and do my testing. However, if I change the input to be a time value instead of text, like this:

section("But don't turn on the lights after my bedtime of..."){
	input "bedtime", "time", title: "Bedtime", required: false

then the simulator won’t progress past setting my location! I set the location as “Home” and the progress bar spins for a second, then nothing. The actual inputs don’t appear and I can’t do anything until I change the above input back to a “text” value. I’ve looked at tons of examples, and everyone seems to be doing what I’m doing and not having trouble. Anyone have any idea?

Well, of course I’d figure it out two seconds after posting my question. Changing “bedtime” to “bedTime” fixed the issue for me, which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, so perhaps there’s more going on with my browser (tried Safari and Chrome on a Mac). I didn’t think that variables couldn’t be all lower case . . .

Your post reminds me of this:


That accurately describes my experience trying to get my first app to do something up until what I define as “my bedtime.” Time to hit the Google methinks.