I got my smartthings last night and have been playing around with new apps today. My first instinct is that modes seem to be a little awkward. Modes are mutually exclusive, so I need to define situations individually. This means I need a mode for all possible situations. If I wanted to track both day vs. night and home vs. away, then I need four modes “Home - Day”, “Home - Night”, “Away - Day” and “Away - Night”. This is a bit cumbersome, but it would be alright if the apps could handle running against multiple modes. Instead I am limited to All Modes or a single Mode. Example: If I want the motion detector to send an SMS message when I am not home and it detects motion, I would need it to run in “Away - Day” and “Away - Night” but not the other two states. The only way I see to make this work is to install and configure the app twice, once for each mode.
Wouldn’t it be simpler to either allow for multiple mode to be set at once, or allow apps to run in a multi-selection of modes rather than one? Maybe that is just a short coming of the first waves of apps, not a design flaw.
Also, is it just me or is one of the most simple/powerful apps missing: an app to change conditions passed on a transition from one mode to another. Example: When moving from “Home - Day” to “Home - Night” turn on these 4 outlets. I know there are a couple apps that combine the two, but I would rather decouple the two. I want to set up the mode transitions seperately from the actions the transitions trigger.
Any thoughts?