Tasmota Firmware on Sonoff using Brett Sheleski integration

Sorry, i have no idea.

One quick workaround Iā€™ve found is to first flash with Tasmota, then use its web interface to update the firmware to Eric Maycock (@erom1231) version located here https://github.com/erocm123/SmartThingsPublic/tree/master/devicetypes/erocm123/sonoff-ifan02-wifi-controller.src

Hereā€™s the command I use to flash with the default tasmota sonoff.bin firware
$ esptool.py --port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART --baud 115200 write_flash 0x0
esptool.py v2.5.1
Serial port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
Detecting chip typeā€¦ ESP8266
Chip is ESP8285
Features: WiFi, Embedded Flash
MAC: dc:4f:22:db:a3:97
Uploading stubā€¦
Running stubā€¦
Stub runningā€¦
Configuring flash sizeā€¦
Auto-detected Flash size: 1MB
Compressed 534032 bytes to 365310ā€¦
Wrote 534032 bytes (365310 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 32.2 seconds (effective 132.6 kbit/s)ā€¦
Hash of data verified.

Hard resetting via RTS pin...

Like others have said, when you flash with @erom1231 firmware it doesnā€™t provide the wifi access point to join. If I flash with tasmota first then use tasmota to update firmware and then use @erom1231 firmware, when it reboots I see the ap finally. No need to push and buttons, just wait a few minutes after the first tasmota flash to see the Sonoff gateway. Also be sure to powercycle after flashing

Also using the cp2102, and a new touchbar mac I didnā€™t require external usb power. The usb c and the ftdi provided plenty.

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Hello Sir could you send me tutorial for do that, i want my sonoff bridge can integrating with smarthing app, thank you

I sugest going a different road. Use matter and home assistant integration to Smarthings

Thank you Sir for your Advice

Is this no longer working or outdated . I have 15 tasmota sonoffs setup( all models) in smarthings for over a year ago all working great. I tried to setup a new sonoff touch 3way last week and it does not spawn any dependents in the app . Only the parent device shows up.

Well, do you have a driver that supports the creation of Children? I donā€™t believe this will support that as this driver is for a basic.

I found it he update his device handler 28 days ago for tasmota 7.0 but used the same name so when i looked at updates in repo it didnt find it. Up dated manualy and all is good.

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would the timezone change affect the way the device talks back to the hub / internet when you go to turn the switch on manually. i get quick response on the app for on/off

Shouldnā€™t no.

Hi Gert.
Can you pls give some help with bridge and ST?
So far I have flashed RF bridge with tasmota, I added a PIR to the bridge and the bridge to ST using Tasmota Connect app.
But I canā€™t figure out the next step: I want to pair the sensor with a corridor light, to switch on when PIR detects a movement.
But I canā€™t figure out how

Hi gtampako,

Iā€™m not using the Smartthings hub anymore. So I cannot check how I did this anymore. Now I use a Raspberry Pi with a CC2531 dongle (with Zigbee2MQTT) and Home Assistant + Node-Red + Influxdb + Grafana. In this setup I still use a RF bridge with Tasmota for detecting the front doorbell. That signal is send via MQTT to Home Assistant. The automations are all done in Node-red. When the doorbell rings I get a message on my phone via Telegram and onmy Google Homeā€™s saying ā€˜There is someone at the front doorā€™. The doorbell is the only 433Mhz device. The rest is all Zigbee.

Instruction -

Thank you Gert

Ya i switched to connect works great, he just needs to add rgbw lights and im all set

I just started working on this project to connect Sonoff 4CHPRO to SmartThings Hub,
According to the instructions on devicetypes/brettsheleski/sonoff-tasmota-4ch.src/readme.md i created a New Device Handler, and also added a New Device, but now in my SmartThings App Device shows up in SamrtApp as Single Switch Device, while i am trying to control 4CHPro switch (Which has 4 individual switches, in there) not sure what am i missing it is the Wrong SmartApp i am using or something else. on the same Github i see this Groovy file
devicetypes/brettsheleski/sonoff-tasmota-4ch.src/sonoff-tasmota-4ch.groovy but not sure how to take this into SmartApp and eventually be able to control 4 individual switches,
I may be missing a step or doing something wrong , please help in this matter