Sync Z-Wave Switch Status w/ Philips Hue Bulb?

For aesthetic purposes, I am using a WT00Z-1 with my Philips Hue bulb.

It works fine w/ Smart Light when I exclusively use the switch to turn the bulb on/off. The issue occurs when I use Alexa or the Hue app to turn on the bulb. The switch still thinks the bulb is off. Is there a way for me to sync the switch with the status of the bulb?

It’s been a while since I checked into this, but used to be able to have the official smart lighting feature have the Switch follow the bulb as well as have the bulb follow the switch, creating a true virtual three-way. But I don’t know if that still works.

If it doesn’t, you should certainly be able to do it with web core, although that sounds like overkill unless smartlighting doesn’t work for this purpose.

If you try the smart lighting option, let us know either way whether it works, because this is a pretty common question. :sunglasses:

Let me go back and look at Smart Lighting tonight. I currently had it setup, but I didn’t see an option that allowed the switch to follow the bulb and vice versa.

You have to set it up as two separate smart lighting automations, just with the devices reversed.

So select the switch as the light you want to control and then select the bulb as the " Switch" that turns on and off, and you should be able to create the automation. But let us know.

Thanks for the suggestion. That worked perfectly!

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