[ST EDGE] Zooz Edge Driver Channel

I have the ZOOZ Edge driver installed and it is working for a number of devices. I have recently tried to add a ZEN76 and the ST hub cannot find it. When I look at the available models, the ZEN76 is not listed. Do I have an old version of the Edge driver? If so, How do I update it? Thank you.

Edge drivers on your hub automatically update within 12 hours of an update being posted. So there is nothing you need to do.

The following is the driver you need if it is not already installed on your hub.

ZEN76 is listed in the first post of this thread as supported. Do you have the new 800LR model?

Just FYI I just added the new Zen76 800 and it added without issue

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This is the one I have installed but when adding a device the model is not listed.

ZEN76 700 Model.

Add by either picking the generic Zooz or by scanning the QR code.

Tried that. Tried excluding several times and then adding. Tried a full reset then adding. Not sure why the ZEN76 is not listed for a manual add.

The Zen 76 should also pair with the stock Z-Wave Switch driver and Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc driver. You will get less features with these drivers, but you will get you switch paired.

You shouldn’t be using add by Brand with Edge Drivers. You should either scan the QR code or use scan for nearby devices.

The list of brands and models in the mobile app under the Add Device section only lists devices that got official Works With SmartThings certification. It doesn’t list devices supported y community created drivers. As others said, choose the Scan QR code or scan nearby option.

I have the ZSE40, unable to remove device. Enrolled in your channel, tried, icon remove button, hub exclude then press recessed button twice, changed driver from zooz multisensor to zwave sensor to see if that might work, it is not used in any routines, unable to remove device. Please help, thank you.

Delete it using API+ Browser. I have had this issue with zwave recently (zooz ZSE41 and Aeotec Gen6 plug) , and I have seen other reports of the others with the same. @nayelyz

Hi, @Lee_Dog
You can also use the new tool for Advanced users at my.smartthings.com to delete the device from the platform here: https://my.smartthings.com/advanced

When you try to exclude the device with the exclusion mode from the Hub, do you get an error or it just stays loading?

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@Automated_House is right, @John_Julian, also, in the picture on the left where you see the driver description and the models listed, that is filled up by the developer manually, so, they can forget to add a model supported and that doesn’t mean it is not included in the fingerprints.

However, it is pretty weird that it doesn’t get paired if the Hub is in joining mode and you have a compatible driver.
If you still have issues and you’re sure that the driver supports your device, we can look at the inclusion result for that specific device to see why it wasn’t added. I would need some info from you, though.
Please, let us know.

@nayelyz, when I have had to exclude z-wave devices recently the exclude function confirms it is done but the device is still showing in the app. So I have had to use API+ browser to delete it.


Thank you for the description, @NickA. I was able to replicate the issue, I also find an old report describing the same issue, so, I created a new one and linked them.
I’ll bring it to the team’s attention.

You can link it in with my request #1503906 from June 28th for the same problem.

All my ZSE41 devices never update the battery level. They always say 100% no matter how long they have been installed. Anything I can do to help it start reporting?

I don’t know. My ZSE40 stays at 100% forever, then suddenly drops to 10% or less. May be a ZSE bug inside their sensors…

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