[ST EDGE] Zooz Edge Driver Channel

Thanks for clarifying. Lots of traffic here and I missed the details.

Appreciate all the work you’ve done, Kevin! I used some of your Zooz DTHs to set parameters and may eventually use some of your drivers.

Tried adding associations to ZEN34 today but they don’t appear to work. Added device IDs show up in settings, but not on main page.

Did you wake up the device after changing those settings?

I tried to use it to turn on/off the associated switch which should have woken it up.

No. Sleeping devices need to be manually woken up after changing settings or wait until it wakes up on its own which I think is every 12 hours.

I think the wake up procedure for this device is pushing the down paddle 7x quickly…

Thanks for reminding me about the wake up procedure.
That also prompted me to go back and read the docs on how to do direct association and I realized when I re-paired the ZEN34 to use the Edge driver, I had done it via the QR code which put it in secure mode but the older GE dimmer I was pairing with doesn’t support secure mode so had to re-pair the ZEN34 in insecure mode.

All is working now, Thanks!!!

Thanks Kevin. Looks like the solution to the Zen25 is excluding and doing a factory reset and including back in. The driver works great now and I just saw you added the create child devices feature which is fantastic. I can now delete my virtual devices that I’m using to sync to it.

I could have sworn the ZSE18 was reporting temperatures before. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Do you know if it’s possible to manually select which Edge driver to apply to a device either through the iOS app? If you select drivers and choose driver, it doesn’t really give you many options. You can’t change drivers on the IDE unfortunately.

The ZSE11 and ZSE40 are the only Zooz motion sensors that report temperature.

It only lists installed drivers that have the device’s fingerprint.

Has anyone’s zen24 devices automatically migrated yet? All of mine are still showing “placeholder”, but I was a bit late getting the driver installed (a day or two before new years). Just curious if I missed it.

They will use a stock Zwave switch driver.

Hello @krlaframboise.
Would it be possible to add a Momentary capability to the Zooz Multichannel Switch?
I have a ZEN30 and the relay is not showing up in actiontiles.
Thank you

If you enable the “Create separate device for Relay” setting it should create a switch for the relay that you’ll be able to use in actuontiles.

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If they’re showing “placeholder” then they were probably already migrated so you should be able to open the “driver” screen of those devices in the mobile app and manually change them to the custom driver.

The below is turning on the dimmer on at the prior dim level rather than the specified dim level.

This is a zen30 using the zooz multichannel switch driver. The “dimmer custom brightness” setting is the default 0. I also tried just setting the dimmer to 100%, but that seemed to set the dim level without turning the light on.

Any thoughts here?

You don’t need to turn it on because setting the dimmer level automatically does that so tap the “turn on” option in the routine to unselect it.

When the dim level was 100%, it did not turn the light on to any dim level. When I changed it to 99% though, it worked.

That’s weird, if anything I thought the value 100 would be ignored…

I checked the code and if anything I would think that 100 would be completely ignored, but I don’t have that device wired into my testing box anymore so can you perform the following test?

  1. Change that routine back to 100%
  2. Set the level to 50% using the mobile app.
  3. Execute the routine.
  4. Check the level in the mobile app and let me know if it still shows 50%.
  5. Turn on the dimmer using the mobile app and let me know if it turned on to 50% or 100%.

It does seem to be ignored. Like I mentioned, when at 100% in the routine it doesn’t even turn the light on now that I removed the ‘dimmer on’ part of the routine. Given the slider in the routine creator allows one to dial it to 100, this was unintuitive to me. I feel like the groovy DTH set to the max brightness in the device settings if you pick something higher in the routine creator (surely you know better than me here though). Perhaps I had different device settings when I used the groovy DTH.

Yes in this case it still shows 50% for #4. But the light controlled by the dimmer doesn’t even turn on with the ‘dimmer on’ part of the routine removed.

In #5, it turned the light to 50%.

My mistake, I typed faster than I was capable of thinking. They are NOT showing as “placeholder”. Everything that wasn’t using a custom handler is showing placeholder, but my Zen24’s don’t appear to have converted.

That’s what I was expecting and it’s a simple fix, but because of your comment below I just wanted to confirm that the level wasn’t being changed before messing with the driver so thanks for doing that.