Version: 2023-08-22T22:29:43.463959995
This update contains the following enhancements:
Virtual Smoke device: device Settings includes a new option to include a Carbon Monoxide capability; if this is selected the dashboard card will show both smoke and CO states (@Dennis)
Virtual Thermostat device: device Settings includes a new option to add thermostat mode to the dashboard card (@jonicunha)
Virtual Temperature device: device Settings dashboard setting now includes option to display both temperature and humidity on the dashboard card (@jonicunha)
- Creating a new device will allow you to see these new options. For the temperature device, an alternative to having to create a new device is to make a change to the dashboard preference setting ; this should result in the new temp+humidity dashboard option appearing once the device is updated.
- After selecting a new dashboard option or adding fields, wait a few minutes and/or try closing/reopening the SmartThings app to see the changes.
- There is currently a bug in the iOS SmartThings app that shows a spinning icon on device dashboard cards that contain multiple states. I’ve reported this, but you’ll just have to live with it for now. It does not appear to have any adverse effects other than being annoying!
This driver update will happen automatically; no further action is required.