[ST Edge] SmartThings MyQ Edge (Obsolete)

FYI…I did try running logs on a totally different driver used for my alarm system and it responded with something that looked to be correct.

Is that a LAN driver?

Does this command work?

.\smartthings edge:drivers:logcat

I think it ask for your IP address of your hub.

I’m running off of my limited memory and what I can jump around in on my phone.

Sorry, I missed you were still getting the same error as before??


I believe so. It communicates with another module over the network to get the alarm system status.

Hiw do I find the ip address for the Hub.

I got mine using my routers software to see who has what IP on my network. I think maybe the Smartthings IDE shows it someplace?

I’ll have to ponder on that question a minute or two and see if I can find where you can find it if you don’t have access to either of those 2 options

For this command .\smartthings edge:drivers:logcat where do I put my ip address

how do I update my current docker image when you push an update? or is that something automatically pulled by docker from Github?

@smartthings1982, i think this is my issue as well. where do I change this?

See this thread

I believe after you run the command it will prompt you for the hubs IP address.

I’ll have to run it when I can get to my computer again and tell you for sure.

So the answer to your question is that when you run the command I posted the Powershell window will prompt you for the hubs IP address.

If you run the command @rumrunner424 posted

smartthings edge:drivers:logcat --hub-address=Your Hubs IP Address Here
smartthings edge:drivers:logcat --hub-address= <— Like this but your IP Address

Then it just takes you into the CLI log screen where you select which driver you want the logs for or all.

Are you guys having any success with getting the logs to show? It seems to be broken at the moment.

Nope, I’m still stuck. I posted in another dev thread. No word yet.

I’ve got everything installed but I don’t think I have the docker running in host mode. Sorry, I’m learning as I go. I know there are issues right now but can someone confirm that I have this all installed correctly on raspberryPi?

I installed using
docker run -d --name=smartthings-myq-edge --net='host' --env-file myq.txt brbeaird/smartthings-myq-edge

In CLI logcat I get when scanning for nearby device

TRACE MyQ Door  Server.new_with
TRACE MyQ Door  Server:post
TRACE MyQ Door  Server:post
TRACE MyQ Door  Server:listen
DEBUG MyQ Door  driver device thread event handled
TRACE MyQ Door  Received event with handler _resync
TRACE MyQ Door  Received event with handler environment_info
TRACE MyQ Door  Received event with handler environment_info
DEBUG MyQ Door  Z-Wave hub node ID environment changed.
TRACE MyQ Door  Received event with handler discovery
ERROR MyQ Door  ===== No MyQ Bridge found in network

How can I verify that this is running in host mode?
I ran docker network ls and see

cc14e8d66d51   bridge    bridge    local
d517f99cc880   host      host      local
be7b33f5f92e   none      null      local

so im not taken anywhere after i enter my ip address in. it asking me to select a driver. is there one i should select? i clicked all and alot of errors came back. what should i do now?

If you run this
docker inspect smartthings-myq-edge

Scroll down through it you should find an entry like this:
“HostConfig”: {
“Binds”: null,
“ContainerIDFile”: “”,
“LogConfig”: {
“Type”: “json-file”,
“Config”: {}
“NetworkMode”: “host”,
“PortBindings”: {},
“RestartPolicy”: {
“Name”: “unless-stopped”,
“MaximumRetryCount”: 0

I Believe?? the network mode shows what mode your docker container is running in. I hope that’s right?

When it list them you select which one you want to log by entering the number beside it.

Buuuuuuuttt, I believe there is an issue with the CLI not logging the data for the join sequence or something like that. It has been like that most of the day now.

Look like 3 post up from yours.