Something big is coming! (June 2021 app update)

I expected it to show battery levels for all devices which use batteries…
Besides, what value indicates “low” ? 10% or 20%. etc, etc
I have about 12 devices that use batteries (buttons, door and motion sensors…)
It would ne nice to see their values all in one list…

Fair enough, I’ve not seen what the tile is supposed to do. I don’t know what ‘low’ is either, but that has never seemed to stop the apps indicating it.

My impression was that it was an alert tile that only appeared when at least one device had low batteries. But I could be wrong.


I just received (evening of June 9th) the new SmartThings app on my Google Play account.

My first look was on my Samsung Tab S6, and on a 10.5 inch tablet screen, it’s pretty nice. Now to see how functional it is before I install it on my S8+ Smartphone.


Second impression. On my tablet, I can see the entire device name on the Favorites tab, but not on the Devices Room tab. That’s some GUI strangeness because the ICONs on the Devices Room tab are much bigger compared to the Devices shown on the Favorites tab. But if I flip my tablet from Portrait to Landscape, I see the entire device name.

And, the only thing I’d like to see added so far is to have the ability to set a device ‘Room’ as a Favorite. In essence a shortcut to a Room on the Favorites tab.

I’ve noticed the Favorites sync causes my Galaxy S8+ to open the new app GUI more slowly than the old app GUI.

Hahahahaha been waiting for this forever! I can feel you!

Or has excellent voice navigation? :wink:


Anyone got it in the UK?

Or if you jave gotten it, which country?

Andreas, you know we get it at least a week after everyone else, UK is generally last

Updated app requires Android 8.0 or higher

in italy same people receive, same people no… I don’t know the reason.

Devices with a battery level of 15% or lower should show in the Low Battery Notification card.


That needs to be modifiable @Brad - can you submit a feature change request please?

You already know how battery reporting is all over the place. I have plenty of devices that ‘die’ at %40 as well as others that keep trucking till %1…


The back ends for large enterprise scale distribution systems (Google Play Store, Microsoft Store, Apple Store, Galaxy Store, etc.) as big as they are, simply cannot handle if an update were to release and EVERYONE instantly pulls the update all at once. Each system has throttling and load balancing built in to prevent overwhelming a distribution. All of that is up to the operator of the stores in question - in this case Google and Samsung’s stores, respectively.

TLDR; It basically works out that once software releases, it can take up to 48 hours to even propagate through the entire distribution system and then it takes multiple days before everyone is even offered the update. Considering Graham noted the tickle to the date on Tuesday, I’m betting that’s when the update ‘went live.’ So if you start counting and schedule from that point. It could be Saturday before you see it. In short - be patient.

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Thanks Brad!
Like @nathancu said, it would be great to customize that.
Also being able to see a complete list of battery levels would be handy!


I’d totally be a HUGE fan of having target/override battery levels as a standard attribute of the Device Health Capability. Maybe something like batteryFullOverride, batteryDepletedOverride - then you could add them to a DTH as a configurable property for ANY device - where if the attribute exists and has a valid integer value between 0-100 that it’s what used instead of the default 15%… Just saying.


I have the apk, no problem for me :wink:

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The smart thing to do would be to use this DeviceWatch state that can already be maintained in the DTH

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@Brad_ST I really like the new battery status tile, It would also be nice with a similar status tile if there are any offline devices


I believe there is one for offline devices. Do you currently have any offline?

Yes I have some offline devices, but have not seen any information about it in the status bar.

Edit: I see in the walk through video that there is an offline status card. But it does not show anything for my offline devices :thinking: