Smoke Alarm Integration

I have had my eye on the Halo Smart Labs Smart Detector for awhile and was almost ready to buy but then saw they went out of business (shame).

Not a Nest fan so I am trying to find other options before I resort to Nest…

One product I came across was the new First Alert Onelink with Alexa, which looks really promising as it would combine several home security/smart home upgrades I was looking at (Ecobee Thermostat, Echo devices, multi-room audio, speakers, smart smoke detectors) .

I can’t seem to find any info if anyone has come up with or is working on a ST integration for it. I see it is Apple Homekit compatible (:face_vomiting:)…

Is anyone working on something for it :crossed_fingers: or is it not possible?

First Alert has a rather fractured product line, and they don’t mix-and-match distinctive Features (e.g., one-link interconnect with Z-Wave with no-maintenance mini-smoke detector, etc.).

This detector below is significantly less expensive (and frequently on sale for another $10 off even), reliable (except it doesn’t really report low-battery condition early enough to be useful), etc…

To the best of my knowledge, nobody has coded a Device Type Handler for the “First Alert Onelink” or “First Alert Onelink w/Alexa” - I don’t know if this would be two different DTHs or if they share the same configuration.

Fact is that Z-Wave and ZigBee devices which claim a Capability (e.g., “Smoke Detector”) have a rather high probability of automatically working with SmartThings by matching a generic DTH for the Capability. That’s because their config clusters say “I’m a Z-Wave Smoke Detector”, and they comply to the basic standard expected by the DTH.

There are no such standards (yet?) for WiFi devices. Each WiFi device needs to be custom examined and coded. SmartThing didn’t even support LAN / WiFi devices until a few months after their launch. Hopefully the process will ramp up with the new API coming to fruition …

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Thanks. I hope someone that has one already can answer if they have been able to get it generically to work or not and that maybe someone could look into that is a bot more knowledgeable on the programming side…

Like I said I like that it has Alexa built-in and is Alexa whole home audio capable. The biggest things holding me back is the ST Integration and if it supports Echo Spatial Perception…

Frankly, I’m ambivalent about putting superfluous features / technology into an essential life-saving device.

Specialization improves reliability.

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It doesn’t have enough microphones to do echo spatial perception and it does not show up as an echo device in your Amazon app, so you can’t include it in Amazon groups or use the echo shortcuts like “turn off the lights” in an echo enabled group. It shows up as the smoke detector.

it does not show up as an echo device and has no multiroom option.

Our household is so used to the room specific commands now like “echo, turn off the lights” that we would have to have a dot in the same Area as the smoke alarm in order to work as an echo device for us.

I’ve looked at this before because of the HomeKit capability, but ended up deciding it just cost too much for us for the features it offered. YMMV

@JDRoberts According to their website it now supports Alexa Multiroom audio so it must show as an echo device now?

@JDRoberts okay I just relooked at their website and I guess it is “coming later this year” …

Yeah, their Twitter feed has said that they are “discussing” multi room with Amazon. But the problem is that their hardware isn’t sufficient for ESP, so you can’t put it in a group because it won’t support the other group features, particularly the echo – enabled groups. So my guess is they are discussing whether Amazon will give them a waiver on ESP but let them participate in multi room audio. And my further guess is that Amazon is going to say no way, but we will see.

Gotcha… Thanks for that tidbit…

@JDRoberts So I had emailed their tech support earlier to get some info and they responded back that it DOES support ESP…

As far as some other things like ST Integration and Bluetooth capabilities they said to submit suggestions to their Invention department… so I guess that was a big no to those questions about official ST support (which I figured) but they are willing to listen maybe…

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I just wanted to confirm for folks multiroom is still not supported. I definitely like this unit, would love for it to tie into smartthings now to have an all in one spot