SmartTiles Dashboard 5.4.2 - July 13 (

Short answer is no. Part of the reason is that I was not aware of them until a minute ago.

I can add support if there is enough interest.

I noticed font awesome is thinking about progressive battery icons in 5.0 milestone BTW. No ETA. Icon Request: battery and progress bar indicators · Issue #2148 · FortAwesome/Font-Awesome · GitHub

Defining a “Room” tile using data from multiple sensors looks hard. I took a look at your thermostat tile code. How to join data from multiple devices and types on one tile. Decided to revisit on a rainy Saturday…

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Somfy is pretty expensive to implement and might not be too common. I’m waiting for the recent Kickstarter alternative to ship for example.

Jawbone UP24 step counts could be cool.

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Tell me about it. It cost me $1900 to outfit my current blinds with Somfy and have a professional installer come and do it. It is so cool though :). Sonos still is my most expensive setup though at over $2500. I think I have spent over $6,000 in home automaton in the past 2 years!

Thanks. I would say only a handful of people here use them and I wasn’t sure of level of effort. They are currently configured as dimmers in ST, where the % of dimmer level dictates the states of your blinds. However, there are a few device types out there and no one is using a consistent setup since everyone has different blinds and use cases.

Edit: I setup virtual switches and am using them with 3 Hello Home actions and they work great to initiate action with my blinds. Would be nice to see status, but there are definitely much bigger priorities for other people :slight_smile:

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I’m looking into they have battery icons and more.


For those wanting to replace the light switch in each room with an android controller I’m not sure it gets much cheaper than this.

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Is anyone else having problems with this right now. I am just getting an error when trying to load the dashboard. the error looks like this

{“error”:true,“type”:“groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException”,“message”:“An unexpected error occurred.”}

I then tried uninstalling the dashboard and then went to the site and tried to reinstall it. When I log into ST and pick my location it does’t list any devices.

Any ideas?

I was able to setup a new dashboard up using the code and setting up the smart app through the ide. Just can’t seem to do it from the

I tried a moment ago with no issues…

Ya I am not sure what is going on. I was able to get it setup using the code in the ide a little bit ago but now when I tired to make a change to my dashboard and save it I get a message on ST app saying “Unexpected Error”. Now I am can’t get it to install at all. I am going to try removing the smartapp and setting it up again…Ill update you shortly.

Yes, I’ve been seeing same/similar errors on our kitchen dashboard this morning during the ST smartapp outage and again when I returned home. It’s on and off kind of crashing. Maybe related to ST side issues. Also, github actually had some network problems last night. Repos and pages failed to load on and off.

Ok that’s good to know I’m not the only one. Hopefully I can get it running again when I get home.

+1 for Jawbone UP24 step counts!


I am still having issues here. I deleted the smart app from the ide and de authorized the installed version from the website. I then went to the website and installed the dashboard again. I went to the ST app and started to configure everything. I selected all the devices I wanted and when I click done to finalize I get “An unexpected Error Occurred”.

Anyone have any direction I should go next?

Ok looks like I fiugred out the problem…It’s the weather tile. As long as I don’t include that everything works fine, no error messages.

@625alex do you have thoughts on this?

Did you have trouble finding an installer comfortable doing this? I am contemplating for 4 total blinds in the west facing side of house that gets horrendous heat…would like to have them auto shut during afternoon but be open rest of the evening and morning.

Yes, it was very difficult to find someone. Took many emails and phone calls. Most places aren’t willing to retro-fit. If your located in the NY-NJ area, I can let you know who did mine.

MN, but thanks for the info. I looked into doing myself, but I literally wouldn’t have the time to get it done right with the learning curve. We had trouble getting electricians out here that could install the Zwave switches…I got through 15 of them and said, nah, I am going to pawn this off on a pro. Most of them were nervous to accept job because it wasn’t a type of switch they worked with much. Its not that different at all they learned…

If your comfortable taking down your blinds and shipping them to, they will do it for you. I didn’t feel comfortable taking mine down, plus you still need to then mount the battery packs yourself. Check out my thread: My Somfy-ST Integration

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