SmartThings Rest API using Tasker

I’d like to use Tasker HTTP Request on Android to set the text field of @Mariano_Colmenarejo new-release-edge-driver-virtual-appliances-mc-virtual-switch-mirror-virtual-calendar-and-virtual-switch-board virtual driver. Do you know what the API command format would be to set some external text into the text field of this virtual driver?


Nevermind, I was able to figure it out. WOW!

Issued the ‘smartthings devices:command [ID]’ and saw the capabilities and commands for the device. Then I setup the HTTP Request action and walla, Tasker posted the “%HTTPD” external text to the virtual text device. And I thought figuring it out myself would be outside my ability. So now I can set the text field of the virtual text device to the HTTP Get from ‘’.

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