SmartThings Downtime and What We're Doing

In short… Kind of.

STs loses track of whats open closed etc when there is an outage. So then it alarms.

My advice, don’t take the last week as the “standard”. Take from today on as good measure of how STs handles alarms.

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none of my Z-Wave switches work after the upgrade :frowning: they report status but I cannot turn then on or off from the app, same for WeMo

Did U power cycle and then refresh in “Things”?

Pull power to your hub for 1 minute. Then toggle all things from the “things view” and then you should be good.

Just gotta get things synced up again.

just did with support in chat and it is working now. Wife is not a happy camper. One more major outage and she will have me switch. I think what tip her of the edge was the water heater not triggering on the schedule and when she went to bathe the baby the water was cold, baby is recovering from a cold and ear infection so her mama bear instincts kicked in.

With Cassandra running things outages are going to be a thing of the past.

To what?

back to ADT for the alarm and a timer for the water heater, the WeMo stuff she can control from her iPhone.

Remember many spousal units do not care about everything being automated only that the stuff they care about do, for he it is simple Alarm, Water Heater and Coffee pot all things we can have without smartthings

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I must be blessed. When I tell my girl STs is down her response is always positive. She even asked how @ben and the rest of the STs team was last night.

She said, “man Ben and the STs team must be pulling their hair out, hope they are doing ok.”


I’ll make you a good deal on a GE analog water heater timer. (c;

I think it was dealing with 2 sicks kids for a couple days including a trip to the ER with the little one that is 9month old and not sleeping. she seemed to not care this morning so I will keep my fingers crossed :slight_smile:

Funnily enough and only slightly relevant, I was having my cable box replaced yesterday. They sent out a female tech and during the operation she wanted to take my LAN down. I mentioned something about my smart hub and she instantly whipped out her phone and showed me her full-on home automation system with lights garage door and much more. She was using Insteon but it made me chuckle :slight_smile:

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Oh boy. Match made in heaven.

I’ve always thought of myself as more of a Riker:

But @watwood was so “kind” as to make this monstrosity.

You ultimately have @wackware to blame for this existing.


Consider @wackware solidly BLAMED! :sheep: <-- That’s a scape goat icon … aren’t emoji’s fun? – except that I think the forum software strips them. Boo. Sure… endlessly repeating GIFs are fine though – really bad for someone with ADHD).

Meanwhile, I have a major problem:
The Android App and all my SmartApps are super responsive today. What’s up with that?

Now I have nothing to complain about … oh – that’s something I can complain about! :speak_no_evil:

(Thanks for the great work and accomplishment!).

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Going to go to the Dr for catscan. Must locate memory that holds that image. Must kill those cells. Argggggg!


ST @Ben thanks for all the updates , after the upgrades at the backend everything except my Wemo’s are performing well or say back to normal. I’m not noticing a significant amount of speedup in the app but maybe I do not have as many devices yet , the Zwave locks drop in and out but it seems consistent since this morning. Will have to wait and see if the lights and all the “schedule” and motion routines kick in tonight. Hopefully this is the end of the outages. I switched to alternate apps like the “wemo” and manually working with locks while this was going on so no deal breaker for me but I was planning on putting more Zwave switches and this would have a much larger impact for the future.

Also during the outage the AcTion Dashboard was working when the mobile app was not , perhaps its a good idea to have that as an official alternate method to control devices when the mobile app is not functional.

I second that motion: If the backend-interface to the standard SmartThings mobile (iOS/Android/Windows Mobile) Apps is a distinct point of occasional outages or slowdowns, then having an official alternate interface would be wonderful.

Of course, it would make a heck of a lot of sense to me for the alternate interface to be web-browser based… right? :smile:

But tremendous thanks to the Community developers for the ongoing work on AcTion Dashboard and similar.
