SmartThings and Eagle by Rainforest (Energy Monitoring) Connection?

I am by no means an expert, but have done API work in the past, so perhaps this helps.

This is how I was able to connect to my Eagle 200 (5 LED’s) directly. Earlier models will have a similar process I presume. So… Let’s get started.

How to setup and send commands via local LAN via Postman to the Eagle 200:

1. Login to

  • Navigate to Eagles on the left side
  • Copy down your Cloud ID and Install Code - you’ll need them for Postman
  • This is solely to obtain your credentials needed to connect locally

**2. Setup a new collection in Postman

3. Setup the URL as shown with POST as the method

  • Update the IP to your local LAN IP assigned to the Rainforest box
  • Make sure method is POST and everything else is 100% as shown in the URL as rainforest has a typo in their docs and forgot to include the slash in HTTP within their doc examples
  • Enter the other text boxed in yellow exactly as shown
  • Authorization will be pre-populated. Don’t mess with it at the request level.

**4. Enter and select additional boxed items as shown here

**5. Profit. Hope this helps get started. Beyond this will require more time to tinker and play with.

BTW… For Eagle 200 Users, it appears RFA has now given us a way to configure our our API push via their website. See the cloud tab which now has "Add New Upload Destination. Not sure if this is LAN to LAN or what, but promising to see a way to configure ourselves"

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