I’m working on a Hue app. I have the SmartApp, and a Hue Bridge device. The documentation says:
When a command method of your device handler returns an instance of a HubAction, the SmartThings platform will use the request information within it to actually perform the request. It will then call the device-handler’s parse method with any response data.
In my SmartApp, I have this:
I’m my device handler:
command "discoverBulbs"
def discoverBulbs() {
log.debug("Bridge discovering bulbs.")
def host = this.device.currentValue("networkAddress") + ":80"
def username = this.device.currentValue("username")
def serialNumber = this.device.currentValue("serialNumber")
log.debug("${host} ${username} ${serialNumber}")
def result = new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(
method: "GET",
path: "/api/${username}/lights",
headers: [
HOST: host
return result
According to the above documentation, return the HubAction from the command should pass the result to the device handler’s parse function. Instead, it’s being passed to my SmartApp’s locationHandler.
What am I missing here?