SimpliSafe Alarm Integration (cloud to cloud)

Scratch that, I put the wrong code in above. This one is my latest. i will delete the other post.

 *  SimpliSafe integration for SmartThings
 *  Copyright 2015 Felix Gorodishter
 *  Modifications by Scott Silence
 *	Modifications by Toby Harris - 2/6/2018
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

preferences {
	input(name: "username", type: "text", title: "Username", required: "true", description: "SimpliSafe Username")
	input(name: "password", type: "password", title: "Password", required: "true", description: "SimpliSafe Password")
	input(name: "ssversion", type: "enum", title: "SimpliSafe Version", required: "true", description: "Alarm system version", options: ["ss1", "ss2", "ss3"])

metadata {	
	definition (name: "SimpliSafe", namespace: "tobycth3", author: "Toby Harris") {
		capability "Alarm"
		capability "Polling"
        capability "Contact Sensor"
		capability "Carbon Monoxide Detector"
		capability "Presence Sensor"
		capability "Smoke Detector"
        capability "Temperature Measurement"
        capability "Water Sensor"
		command "home"
		command "away"
		command "off"
		command "update_state"

tiles(scale: 2) {
    multiAttributeTile(name:"alarm", type: "generic", width: 6, height: 4){
        tileAttribute ("device.alarm", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
            attributeState "off", label:'${name}', icon: "", backgroundColor: "#505050"
            attributeState "home", label:'${name}', icon: "st.Home.home4", backgroundColor: "#00BEAC"
            attributeState "away", label:'${name}', icon: "", backgroundColor: "#008CC1"
			attributeState "pending off", label:'${name}', icon: "", backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
			attributeState "pending away", label:'${name}', icon: "st.Home.home4", backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
			attributeState "pending home", label:'${name}', icon: "", backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
			attributeState "failed set", label:'error', icon: "st.secondary.refresh", backgroundColor: "#d44556"
		tileAttribute("", key: "SECONDARY_CONTROL", wordWrap: true) {
			attributeState("default", label:'${currentValue}')
    standardTile("off", "device.alarm", width: 2, height: 2, canChangeIcon: false, inactiveLabel: true, canChangeBackground: false) {
        state ("off", label:"off", action:"off", icon: "", backgroundColor: "#008CC1", nextState: "pending")
        state ("away", label:"off", action:"off", icon: "", backgroundColor: "#505050", nextState: "pending")
        state ("home", label:"off", action:"off", icon: "", backgroundColor: "#505050", nextState: "pending")
        state ("pending", label:"pending", icon: "", backgroundColor: "#ffffff")
    standardTile("away", "device.alarm", width: 2, height: 2, canChangeIcon: false, inactiveLabel: true, canChangeBackground: false) {
        state ("off", label:"away", action:"away", icon: "", backgroundColor: "#505050", nextState: "pending") 
		state ("away", label:"away", action:"away", icon: "", backgroundColor: "#008CC1", nextState: "pending")
        state ("home", label:"away", action:"away", icon: "", backgroundColor: "#505050", nextState: "pending")
		state ("pending", label:"pending", icon: "", backgroundColor: "#ffffff")
    standardTile("home", "device.alarm", width: 2, height: 2, canChangeIcon: false, inactiveLabel: true, canChangeBackground: false) {
        state ("off", label:"home", action:"home", icon: "st.Home.home4", backgroundColor: "#505050", nextState: "pending")
        state ("away", label:"home", action:"home", icon: "st.Home.home4", backgroundColor: "#505050", nextState: "pending")
		state ("home", label:"home", action:"home", icon: "st.Home.home4", backgroundColor: "#008CC1", nextState: "pending")
		state ("pending", label:"pending", icon: "st.Home.home4", backgroundColor: "#ffffff")
	standardTile("refresh", "device.alarm", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
		state "default", action:"update_state", icon:"st.secondary.refresh"

		details(["alarm","off", "away", "home", "refresh"])

def installed() {

def updated() {
def init() { "Setting up Schedule (every 5 minutes)..."

// handle commands
def off() { "Setting SimpliSafe mode to 'Off'"
	setState ('off')

def home() { "Setting SimpliSafe mode to 'Home'"
	setState ('home')

def away() { "Setting SimpliSafe mode to 'Away'"
	setState ('away')

def update_state() { "Refreshing SimpliSafe state..."

def setState (alState){
	//Check Auth first
    def timeout = false;
    if (alState == "off")
    	try {
        	httpPost([ uri: getAPIUrl("alarmOff"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ])
        } catch (e) {
        	timeout = true;
        	log.debug "Alarm SET to OFF Error: $e"
    else if (alState == "home")
    	try {
        	httpPost([ uri: getAPIUrl("alarmHome"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ])
        } catch (e) {
        	timeout = true;
        	log.debug "Alarm SET to HOME Error: $e"
    else if (alState == "away")
    	try {
        	httpPost([ uri: getAPIUrl("alarmAway"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ])
        } catch (e) {
        	timeout = true;
        	log.debug "Alarm SET to AWAY Error: $e"
    { "Invalid state requested."
    //If not a timeout, we can poll immediately, otherwise wait 10 seconds
    if (!timeout) {
    } else {
    	//There was a timeout, so we can't poll right away. Wait 10 seconds and try polling.
    	runIn(10, poll)

def poll() {
	//Check Auth first
	checkAuth() "Executing polling..."
	httpGet ([uri: getAPIUrl("refresh"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]) { response ->
        sendEvent(name: "alarm", value: "Alarm State1: $"
    // "Alarm State2: $response"

def apiLogin() {
	//Login to the system "Executing Login..."
   	//Define the login Auth Body and Header Information
    def authBody = [ "grant_type":"password",
                    "password": settings.password ]                    
    def authHeader = [ "Authorization":"Basic NGRmNTU2MjctNDZiMi00ZTJjLTg2NmItMTUyMWIzOTVkZWQyLjEtMC0wLldlYkFwcC5zaW1wbGlzYWZlLmNvbTo="	]
    try {
        httpPost([ uri: getAPIUrl("initAuth"), headers: authHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", body: authBody ]) { response ->
        	state.auth =
            state.auth.respAuthHeader = ["Authorization":state.auth.token_type + " " + state.auth.access_token]
            state.auth.tokenExpiry = now() + 3600000
 	} catch (e) {
    	//state.token = 
    //Check for valid UID, and if not get it
    if (!state.uid)
    //Check for valid Subscription ID, and if not get it
    //Might be able to expand this to multiple systems
    if (!state.subscriptionId)

def getUserId() {
	//check auth and get uid    
    httpGet ([uri: getAPIUrl("authCheck"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]) { response ->
        state.uid =
    } "User ID: $state.uid"

def getSubscriptionId() {
	//get subscription id
    httpGet ([uri: getAPIUrl("subId"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]) { response ->
    	String tsid =
		state.subscriptionId = tsid.substring(1, tsid.length() - 1)
    } "Subscription ID: $state.subscriptionId"

def checkAuth()
{ "Checking to see if time has expired...."
    //If no State Auth, or now Token Expiry, or time has expired, need to relogin
    // "Expiry time: $state.auth.tokenExpiry"
    if (!state.auth || !state.auth.tokenExpiry || now() > state.auth.tokenExpiry) {"Token Time has expired, excecuting re-login..."
	//Check Auth
    try {
        httpGet ([uri: getAPIUrl("authCheck"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]) { response ->
            return response.status        
    } catch (e) {
        httpGet ([uri: getAPIUrl("authCheck"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]) { response ->
            return response.status        

def apiLogout() {
    httpDelete([ uri: getAPIUrl("initAuth"), headers: state.auth.respAuthHeader, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ]) { response ->
        if (response.status == 200) {
            state.subscriptionId = null
   "Logged out from API."

def getTime()
	def tDate = new Date()
    return tDate.getTime()

def getAPIUrl(urlType) {
	if (urlType == "initAuth")
    	return ""
    else if (urlType == "authCheck")
    	return ""
    else if (urlType == "subId" )
    	return "$state.uid/subscriptions?activeOnly=false"
    else if (urlType == "alarmOff" )
    	if (settings.ssversion == "ss3") 
    		return "$settings.ssversion/subscriptions/$state.subscriptionId/state/off"
        	return "$state.subscriptionId/state?state=off"
    else if (urlType == "alarmHome" )
   		if (settings.ssversion == "ss3") 
    		return "$settings.ssversion/subscriptions/$state.subscriptionId/state/home"
        	return "$state.subscriptionId/state?state=home"
    else if (urlType == "alarmAway" )
   		if (settings.ssversion == "ss3") 
    		return "$settings.ssversion/subscriptions/$state.subscriptionId/state/away"
        	return "$state.subscriptionId/state?state=away"
    else if (urlType == "refresh")
    	return "$state.subscriptionId/"
    { "Invalid URL type"

I put the pasted the new code into the DTH. All modes in SimpliSafe seem to be working well. When I set it to home, the color changed to a light green. When I set it to off, it changed back to brown. The color didn’t change when I armed it for away.


Code has been updated in GitHub

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Not sure on how the coloring works, I will have to let Toby look at that.

So far so good on SS3! Thanks!

SS2 is working great too. I tried reloading the code for the SmartApp and then reinstalling it. I chose the SimpliSafe alarm and then the three states for the "Set for specific mode(s). I’m not able to get the sync working between the two. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

anyone get this illegal character error when applying the latest DTH?

Under my SimplisafeMonitor App the only thingI have set is the “Select Alarm System” first option and then “Notification Enable” to no. The very last option for “Set for Specific Mode(s)” I don’t have any of those selected. Those modes don’t necessarily line up to the SHM unless you have routines. Not sure how that works, but try unchecking those. I am able to set my alarm from SHM and it sets it in Simplisafe. Likewise I can set it in Simplisafe, and after several seconds the SHM will refresh to match.

How many Simplisafe systems do you have?

ahhh…it’s the simple things in life. When I deselected the "Set for Specific Mode(s) it worked. You guys are the best!

Yeah,I suspect you have to be in one of those modes (not the same as SHM modes) for it to work.

Also, what version of Simplisafe do you have?

I’m not sure. I bought my system back in 2015 so probably a v2.

Then it is probably a SS2. Do you have multiple systems (2 locations)?

No, only one system. I updated the DTH through Toby’s repository.

Weird. Can you show me what the actual error looks like (the actual url). Any place that there is a digit you can replace with a Letter (just do all A’s if you like). Something seems very odd.

Here are more live logs. It was pretty busy at backend checking these URLs but nothing happens in the actual ST mobile app.

The scratched out part should just be a single number (either 5 or 6 digits long). I think I see a coma in there. That is why I asked about multiple systems. That definitely seems very odd.

For the actual URL:, bbbbbb

I noticed there is a space before the second “bbbbb” string (system id). I moved my system as I changed my location last year. But within my simplisafe account they still kept the suspended old location. The second string is for that purpose I suppose.
