Here is my first shot at using Rule Machine for controlling a 3-speed ceiling fan based on room temperature thanks to @bravenel for some direction. I installed GE 12730 Z-Wave Smart Fan Control and use the device type by @ChadCK [Z-Wave Smart Fan Control Custom Device Type] I used my ecobee3 temperature reading for my input as well as the ecobee3 motion sensor to determine room occupancy.
I setup three rules, one for each speed of Low, Medium, High that only execute if the ecobee3 senses motion in the room AND the Virtual Switch “Fan Auto Enable” is ON.
If temp is >=73 and <75 Run custom command to enable lowSpeed() on Fan controller
If temp is >=75 and <77 Run custom command to enable medSpeed() on Fan controller
If temp is >=77 Run custom command to enable highSpeed() on Fan controller
I could have done it just using “Set these dimmers” for each speed setting but I was learning about some of the advanced features of Rule Machine and wanted to try it out since ChadCK had exposed the binary speed control in his device type.