There is a function called canSchedule() that returns false if you hit the limit.
The problem with that for Rule Machine is that by the time it’s creating the schedules, where you would call canSchedule(), it’s too late and the damage is done. By that I mean, that rule will be broken.
Where do I find the scheduled events in IDE? Can’t find it…
My Locations / List SmartApps / click on the Rule in question.
Thanks. I guess my event from 2/4 is messing meup. How do I fix this?
Scheduled Jobs
Handler Next Run Time Prev Run Time Status Schedule
scheduleTimeOfDay 2016-02-04 2:15:29 AM EST 2016-02-03 2:15:29 AM EST WAITING Daily
startHandler 2016-02-08 5:27:00 PM EST WAITING Daily
stopHandler 2016-02-08 11:00:00 PM EST WAITING Daily
In My Locations / List SmartApps / that rule / click on Update. Then look again at the schedule jobs, you’ll see that one get repaired.
Thanks. I thought I had done that.
Is anyone using Tasker as schedule source for lighting, routines, etc? I’m curious if you’re using Tasker/Sharptools to flip virtual switches to use with Rule Machine or just going straight from Tasker/Sharptools to control the lights and skipping virtual switches altogether.
I use Sharptools / Tasker as a 2nd backup for routines that use schedules. First backup is Rule Machine. I have Sharptools check modes and have it run only after a routine has failed. I use it directly with no virtual switch.
Thanks, I’m at the point of dumping the whole ST scheduling system and going to Tasker running on an old android phone. The only part I can’t really get away from are the rules with delays and such.
Skipping the virtual switch saves me the steps needed in creating those and keeping track. The only disadvantage I can see going to Tasker is the editing of schedules part, I can only do it when I have physical access to the phone. Time to see if I can find a way to remotely control the phone since its rooted.
What if we developed a standard API that replicates “all” of SmartThings’s schedule methods so that any SmartApp could just swap them out with a more reliable device or service of one’s choosing?
I describe it as a “Capability” … but really it would just be a Device Type “Pattern” (i.e., a standard template for a Device Type Handler that has Commands which must be implemented)…
I have not implemented it in my system (yet?) but I have created a task that can execute an event after a delay and can be canceled, i.e., no motion turns off light after a delay but timer is reset if there is motion before timer runs out.
I settled on Teamviewer host for Android. I already use Teamviewer for work so I just added my Galaxy S3 into my account and now I have access to it from a PC. I can tweak my Tasker profiles remotely if I’m not home.
Also, just to add to anyone looking into using Tasker, there is a plugin called Twilight (free) that will give you the Sunrise/Sunset time and configurable to add offsets.
With the TeamViewer Quick Support on your phone, have you confirmed that you are able to remote control without being prompted for approval every time on the phone?
Yes, I was actually doing it earlier. I don’t know if it had anything to do with my S3 being rooted.
At one time, years ago, they had a regular/1-for-all version of QS and a version of QS specifically for Samsung devices. At that time, remote control was possible with Samsung QS without root, but only with root for the other one. So, either way, I assume remote control will work for you, regardless. I will try it again with mine to see where it’s at these days.
Thanks for the feedback.
Here’s a crude video I took with my phone.
Ya, I know how it works.
I was just wondering if you managed to access it for full remote control without needing to be there on the other end to approve the remote control connection (which is what I was required to do on mine since it isn’t a Samsung device).
Thanks for the vid!