First, I want to offer a big THANK YOU for this amazing product. It has made my life as an AirBnB host so much easier. I honestly think this has been the biggest improvement to my workflow ever.
Second, I would like to offer a potential enhancement for consideration in an upcoming release. It would be great to be able to take actions when a lock code becomes active and another when a lock code becomes inactive.
Use Case. I have a “routine” called Guests that sets a series of lights to come on when we have AirBnB guests staying with us. I have another “routine” called No Guests that activates a different lights routine when no AirBnB guests are present. Today I have to run the routine manually when guests are scheduled to arrive and leave. I would like to have the Guests routine activate when guests are scheduled to arrive and the No Guests activate when a guest’s reservation is over. Today the Rental Lock Automator will run a routine when someone opens a lock but it does not differentiate between the people who live in the house and AirBnB guests.
Desired Change. In the Rental Lock Automater app, in the Manage Property area, in the Option and Notifications section add the ability to take an action (i.e. run a Smarthings Routine) when an automatically programmed code becomes active and becomes unactive.
What do you think?