RELEASE Generic Media Renderer (DLNA Speakers). Cheap Sonos Alternative (Update V2)

Hi @pizzinini, Great news, Ivona TTS still in beta, I need to know how respond, please tell me if you have some issue.

(sorry - previous post was reply to wrong post)

The Sabrent device works fine with the new iona voices - the last part of messages do not get cut off with iona. No more issues.

Have you had success keeping the Sabrent connected over WIFI? I gave up on it a few weeks ago for a cobblestone.

I plugged it into a cheap $2.50 Christmas lights timer from ikea that turns it off/on at 3am in the morning every day. That does the trick.

Iā€™m getting an error as I finish discovery with MediaRendererConnect.

It finds my device (yay) I tap Done & it takes me back a page, then I click Done again.

At that point I get ā€œFailed to save page: MainPageā€


Hi @mdawson, Could you share the log when error occurs. Thanks

HI @mdawson, Have you installed the player device type?, remember this project use 2 files, a mediaRenderer connect and the device type.

Installing the device type fixed it. The github instructions need some changing, since they donā€™t mention this step when explaining the app.

Hi @mdawson, great news, now test it and feedback. Remember to share your MediaRenderer device model if is not in the list

Thanks for your help.

So far ST has found my JBL SoundFly Airplay speaker, but Iā€™m a bit lost about whether I need some other apps/types installed to get notifications working on the speaker, or at least to test it.

Hi @mdawson, you can use any smartapp to sonos , Smartthings have serious problems with text to speach, then I have use some alternatives, if you need messages I suggest you to try the smartapp MediaRenderer Events, and get an account from Voice RSS to get reliable textTospeach, the account its free an its easy to get it.

Indeed, I installed Media Renderer Events, but I canā€™t get past the final ā€œDoneā€ because it tells me I have some inputs that donā€™t have a selection. ā€œOops! Looks like you need to double check some inputs.ā€

But all inputs are selected or at least enough of them.

I have a play trigger: water sensor wet
I have a stop trigger: water sensor wet (this is odd, it should let me choose ā€œwater sensor dryā€!
On the chance this was the problem, I also tried a mode change as the stop trigger.

I have an Action: tried both Sound and Message

I have a selected ā€œSonosā€ speaker (really my JBL Soundfly.)

I assigned a name. Still, ā€œOops! Looks like you need to double check some inputs.ā€

Also, Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t see any instructions for using VoiceRSS.

Hi @mdawson, If you select the action Message you must to add a message, If you select the action sound, you must select a sound from list.

Yes, I did each of those, thought when I selected ā€œSoundā€ I think it defaulted to Bell 1.

Still got the ā€œOopsā€

Hi all,

I have succesfully set up DLNA on my Raspberry Pi 2 and i am using Sonos Notify with Sound External TTS smartapp.

I can have dogs barking and other preset sounds but no true TTS.

What is wrong? Can someone help?

Thank you very much in advance.

Still lost here with how to get this working.

How do you adjust the delay? Where is this setting?

Would it possible to do more work on this to extend it to find and work with DLNA servers and DLNA Players rather than just DLNA Renderers? The devices I have function as DLNA Servers or DLNA Players.

OK. I dont have any DLNA speakers and so I have been trying to use an IOS App on an old Ipod touch, I can then plug the stereo socket into my hifi amp/speakers.

I have been trying PlugPlayer (which is also available for Android). I have defined the Ipod Touch as the DLNA renderer in PlugPlayer and my Synology NAS as the DLNA Server. Plugplayer is being recognised by the SmartApp. If music is playing when the Smarthings triggers say barking dogs, then the music stops and Plugplayer plays the barking dogs soundtrack. Unfortunately after this it gets stuck and will not continue playing more music. It seems to have switched from the music playlist to the SmartThings playlist and canā€™t switch back.

Oh also SmartThings can be used to change the volume/mute/stop/play the PlugPlayer Thing.

I am slightly wondering whether you could query the Renderer for the server/playlist before sending the SmartThings soundtrack to it. Then after sending the soundtrack, send the original server/playlist again to reset it back to playing music.

(Oh I tried the Denon App but it doesnā€™t even find my Synology NAS as the server)