[RELEASE] cast-web v1.2.1 - Chromecast Integration (EDGE Driver discussion begins in post 1668)

Anyone else seeing massive logs? My raspberri pi space ran out:


You may need to adjust your log level.

On my Pi, you go to this directory:


Edit the config.json file and you’ll see this line:


Try changing debug to false. Make sure that server is set to false. If you are still getting too much, then you may need to also set info to false.

After making the changes in that file, you’ll need to restart cast-web-api:

cast-web-api-cli stop
cast-web-api-cli start
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Thanks! I’ll do that!

While you’re here, I have a few of questions:

  1. Is it possible to add more presets?
  2. Could you add a function that allows us to set increment/decrement (+/- X) volume adjustment? It would be great if we could assign volume adjustment automations to buttons or knob controllers.
  3. After following the instructions for updating the TTS file on my Pi, it still doesn’t work - but speaker announcement functions fine when using the Notify someone → Play message on speaker option. Any suggestion on what I did wrong?

The https://www.gdirect.link/ url isn’t working. Anyone have a good link?

Hi everyone, I have been using this for a solid 7 months and it has been great. Unfortunately this past Sunday, everything stopped working. I removed speakers and driver. Reinstalled the driver, but now Smartthings wont find any of my Google speakers. Anyone else have issues, or is this still running for some?

Hello - Sorry to hear you’re having problems. There doesn’t seem to be any wide-spread issue with the driver right now. Mine is still working ok.

Has anything changed in your home network configuration?

Probably the best way to diagnose it would be for you to use the SmartThings CLI to run some driver logs. That way, we can see what may be going wrong. Here is the link to the Windows download file: https://github.com/SmartThingsCommunity/smartthings-cli/releases/download/%40smartthings%2Fcli%401.4.1/smartthings.msi

Once you have it, and have confirmed it’s working, this is the command you will use:

smartthings edge:drivers:logcat

You’ll be prompted for your hub’s IP address, and then to choose the driver.

Hey there; somehow I missed responding to your post so apologies for that.

It is, how many are you thinking?

It’s possible, with some work. I’d probably need to add a couple hidden buttons to accomplish that.

Very hard to say without some diagnosing. Do you have the CLI? It might help to run some logs for the driver. And if you know how, we might have to look at the log of the cast web api app itself. Direct message me if you want to work on this further.

Thanks for the quick reply. :slight_smile: I installed CLI and while waiting to pull logs, I installed the Cast Web API on another PC and scanned for speakers again. It worked. Guessing something must have changed on my other PC, so will be digging in to find out.

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Sorry for not answering your question. Apparently I’m asleep at the wheel.

Have you tried this one?

No problem, it seems that I’m just as guilty. :smirk:

As many as you can fit?

Nooice. I’ve been wanting to add a dial/knob for my Nest Mini. Hopefully it will work the way I want.

OK, thanks for offering to help. My schedule is a bit hectic right now and won’t be able to get those logs until this weekend, at the earliest. I’ll message you when they’ve been captured.

I have installed node.js and got cast-web-api-cli running and installed the Google Cast V0.1 driver. The Google Cast Manager device was created and is showing a status of “Connected to cast-web-API-v1.2.1”. So far so good but Scan Nearby for devices isn’t finding anything after three attempts and I have half a dozen Google Home and Minis scattered around my network. What might I be doing wrong?

Edit: I just read this post from @blueyetisoftware which might be related? Are you seeing and broader issues with any of your drivers @TAustin?

Are all your devices on the same subnet as your hub?

Not aware of any general issues with this driver.


Everything is running off a Google WiFi mesh providing DHCP to all wired and WiFi decides so I believe they must be on the same subnet?

There have been a number of issues with these mesh networks working with SmartThings LAN drivers. I’m not a networking expert so don’t know the particulars. All I can tell you is that various users with mesh networks have run into difficulties (not driver-specific). But some have gotten things to work with some network config changes.

The SmartThings hub will only communicate with things that are on the same subnet.

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Ok, thanks. I’ll have to ponder on that as I don’t know what I could change in my network config. I’m not a networking expert but the SmartThings Hub, the cast-web PC, and Nest Minis all have IP addresses of 192.168.85.xx, as expected, and my network is otherwise solid so will have to explore.

Do you have the SmartThings CLI? If so, it would be good to fire up logging so we can see what is going on during discovery.

DM me and we can continue the convo in a separate thread. You might want to also provide a screen shot of your device Settings page.

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After I assigned static addresses to my eight Google mini’s, my Cast Web issues were almost non existent. The only issue I have now is is if the dedicated laptop reboots, sometimes the Cast Web app won’t auto start and shows the log directory doesn’t exist. Sometimes after running for weeks, it will crash with the same error. I can cancel the error and it will restart every time. Go figure!


Try restarting your computer and network adapter. I also have Google mesh WiFi and I have no issues at all

Thanks for those tips. I don’t think static IP addresses will help with my device discovery issue but once I’ve got the devices detected, I’ll set them up - assuming changing an IP doesn’t cause any issues (surely it can’t or else devices using DHCP would fail over time?). Cast Web never restarts for me, I’ve run “web-cast-api-cli restart” but the service never starts after a reboot and I have to manually start it each time.