I’m new to ST and have had lot’s of frustrations with using our two phones as presence sensors. They work flawlessly for a couple of days, then it seems like my wife’s will quit reporting and nothing will fix it. Hers is also the one that is on an ST account without a hub and then is shared with my account (the one with the hub). I thought that this might be the problem, but when hers quits reporting, I can log into her ST account and most of the time it’s not reporting there either. Other times it shows as “present” in her account and “away” in mine.
I ran across the following discussion that showed how to use Tasker, Autolocation, and Sharptools to create a routine that doesn’t use the ST mobile app to determine presence. At first it seemed like a complicated way to do what seemed like an easy task, so I kept searching for an easier way. I didn’t find any other solutions that seemed to be reliable, so I gave this way a try. After figuring out how it all worked and setting it up on our two phones, I have not had a single issue with either phone not reporting presence quickly and accurately. I’ve only been running it for 2 days, but I’m feeling confident that it will keep working. I also like that both phones can report presence under my account and my wife doesn’t have to run the ST app on her phone.