Post Requests for Zigbee Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to bug flair for a local API

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I was requesting this feature, to see if it could be added as an edge driver

If you can’t find one already written, you can ask here if any community developer would be interested in creating one.

@iquix @Mariano_Colmenarejo @TAustin @ygerlovin @philh30 @veonua

Not sure if there’s already drivers available or not, but I’d be intererested in the following:

  • Fibaro Wall Plug US ZW5
  • Fibaro Wall Plug USB
  • Iris Plug w/ ZigBee & Z-Wave Repeater featuring KWh
  • Aeotec Multisensor 6
  • Zooz S2 Multisiren
  • Virtual Acceleration Sensor
  • Momentary Button
  • Device Group capabilities like TrendSetter

Any one of those would be greatly appreciated!

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Zooz is working on Edge Drivers for most of their devices, but are not going to release them publicly until edge itself is out of beta.


VEdge by @TAustin can create a virtual momentary device.

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I can look at adding an acceleration sensor to my virtual device driver. As pointed out above, momentary button is already available.

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I have one of these and I’m pretty sure I put it on my GE ZigBee Switch/Dimmer driver. I think the fingerprint for mine is CentraLite 3210-L if I’m picking the right device out of the list. That driver will do power/energy for switches, but nothing else special (I don’t think that device does anything else though). If your fingerprint matches then give that a try.

I haven’t bothered with the Z-wave repeater portion. The driver wouldn’t do anything for it, so I’ll probably just wait for that to be transitioned by ST.

@Mariano_Colmenarejo @ygerlovin

Could you take a look at the fingerprint below and see if it’s possible to create a driver or add to an existing one?

It is a water leak sensor, brand ewelink… Works with DHT Everspring Flood Sensor (native)


I don’t know if I’m wrong, but the DTH that I find like, DHT Everspring Flood Sensor (native), is from a zwave device

Are you referring to another DTH?

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Is it possible to make a edge driver to this aqara vibration sensor ?

  • zigbeeNodeType: SLEEPY_END_DEVICE
  • application: 08
  • endpointId: 01
  • manufacturer: LUMI
  • model: lumi.vibration.aq1
    Raw Description 01 0104 000A 01 04 0000 0003 0019 0101 06 0000 0004 0003 0005 0019 0101



Apologies if that’s obvious, I’m not very technical. I can see there’s a lot of Ikea bulbs in your channel. Aren’t those supported by edge stock drivers? Currently in groovy I don’t need custom handles for those
Will I need custom edge drivers for ikea once groovy goes away? Will they stop native support?

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It is exactly that DHT.
It’s for Z wave devices, but it’s working great for the zigbee sensor (strange, don’t you agree?)

I don’t know if you were asking me?

In the official smatthing zigbee switch driver there are all these ikea bulbs and some more that I haven’t seen.
This is the link to smartthings zegbee switch fingerprints file.

Everything that is in the stock DTH should be passed to edge, I think.

- id: "IKEA/TRADFRI E26 WS clear 950lm"
    deviceLabel: IKEA Light
    manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
    model: TRADFRI bulb E26 WS clear 950lm
    deviceProfileName: color-temp-bulb
  - id: "IKEA/TRADFRI GU10 WS 400lm"
    deviceLabel: IKEA Light
    manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
    model: TRADFRI bulb GU10 WS 400lm
    deviceProfileName: color-temp-bulb
  - id: "IKEA/TRADFRI E12 WS opal 400lm"
    deviceLabel: IKEA Light
    manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
    model: TRADFRI bulb E12 WS opal 400lm
    deviceProfileName: color-temp-bulb
  - id: "IKEA/TRADFRI E26 WS opal 980lm"
    deviceLabel: IKEA Light
    manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
    model: TRADFRI bulb E26 WS opal 980lm
    deviceProfileName: color-temp-bulb
  - id: "IKEA/TRADFRI E27 WS clear 950lm"
    deviceLabel: IKEA Light
    manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
    model: TRADFRI bulb E27 WS clear 950lm
    deviceProfileName: color-temp-bulb
  - id: "IKEA/TRADFRI E14 WS opal 400lm"
    deviceLabel: IKEA Light
    manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
    model: TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm
    deviceProfileName: color-temp-bulb
  - id: "IKEA/TRADFRI E27 WS opal 980lm"
    deviceLabel: IKEA Light
    manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
    model: TRADFRI bulb E27 WS opal 980lm
    deviceProfileName: color-temp-bulb
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More than strange I would say impossible.
Zigbee and zwave have different protocol and different radio frequency, I don’t see how it can communicate with the DTH

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Added to this driver version

│ Name        │ Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc        │
│ Version     │ 2022-01-26T18:40:54.753496           │
  - id: "Candeo/HK-DIM-A"
    deviceLabel: Candeo HK-DIM-A
    manufacturer: Candeo
    model: HK-DIM-A
    deviceProfileName: switch-level

See printscreen

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It’s not possible for a Zigbee device to use a zwave DTH successfully. That said, there have been several reported cases in the last few months where a Zigbee device was identified during the initial scan as Zwave device. That shouldn’t be possible either, but it’s clearly a bug in the platform where the fingerprint is being picked up incorrectly. :thinking:

In cases where the device still worked, it seemed to be that it was really using an older Zigbee DTH, just the IDE was wrong.

Not sure what’s going on here, but it’s probably something similar.



Only for curiosity,

Could you send some IDE log captures to see if we can see what it sends and what it receives, in case we clarify something of what is happening with this strange case

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It works well?
In order to have access to other icons in the app, I would have to modify the profile or create a new one

There has been one recently on Facebook where the device was identified as a ‘Z-Wave Repeater’ and that device type has come up on the forum before. Yet when you look in the list of device types in the IDE it simply isn’t there. So where does it come from?