Post Requests for Zigbee Edge Drivers Here (community-created)

This device has not been developed for the zigbee-button and therefore the fingerprint for this device is not in the driver.

I had the same issue and have created a fork of the code and have successfully got this to work with my new driver.

Here is the fork of the code on github: Zigbee-Button With Ikea RODRET driver.

I might get around to having in my own drivers to share, but I have initailly pushed a request to combine it with the main driver.

In my experience getting this one to pair is a challenge, as it has an enrollment that you need to tell the device to enable both the push and held buttons. Otherwise it will pair but not send these command when you click the button.

You may need to try it a few times, but in my experience follow these step:

  1. Install the driver
  2. Press the pairing button 4 times within 5 seconds
  3. Light on button flashes, wait ten seconds.
  4. Then scan with you hub to discover the device.