Physical control of hue lights with smart things

I installed a Linear Dimmer Accessory Switch in the room with Hue, but can’t seem to get it to dim the Hue bulbs. Do I need a custom App? Anybody have any experience with this?

I’ve tied my 3 Philips Hues into an Aeon Minimote and it’s working great.
There is very little lag most of the time (fraction of a second) until the lights turn on or off…

However, you must wait until the Minimote receives a confirmation response back from the Hub before pressing an additional button, or toggling the same lights again. This wait time is consistently a full second or 2. NB: It may be possible that the Button Controller SmartApp can handle quick button press events in a better way, but my quick attempts to tweak it were not successful.

A full second or two is a huge lag. In computing terms at least. Hundreds of thousands of operations can occur in that time. The lag should be under 0.5s, since that’s almost imperceivable. It’s not a ludicrous requirement, in computer time.

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Agreed… I think this is a bug in the Device Handler and/or SmartApp for the Minimote.

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TAPT is out now. Anyone got it to work with HUE? Would be ideal for my 9 dumb downlighters.

Lots of complaints, including on the Quirky site, that the Tapt marketing misrepresents what it does. (I suspect they ran into the Lutron patent.) and that it only works with GE bulbs, not Phillips Hue.

One possible alternative for some use cases is the SmartenIT 3 toggle switch. I am using this with SmartThings to control, among other things, some zigbee light bulbs.

Note that SmartenIT sells this toggle as a " remote," not a light switch, which technically avoids the Lutron patent.

I don’t have a Hue bridge, though, so I don’t know what happens with that.

And the SmartenIT isn’t load bearing, so you would have to first put dumb bulbs into a smart fixture.

But it will definitely provide toggle control for some smart bulbs, which is the main point of this topic.