Option to Choose Logical AND & OR in Conditional Statement?

I want to create a condition in which either myself OR my wife are Present AND the time is 45 minutes before sunset.
What I find is can’t use both logical conditions in one conditional:

If Hagen OR Susan are Present OR the time is 45 minutes before sunset
If Hagen AND Susan are Present AND the time is 45 minutes before sunset

What I want is

If Hagen OR Susan are Present AND the time is 45 minutes before sunset

WebCoRE changes both Logical conditions to either AND or OR but I doesn’t appear to allow OR and AND in the same conditional

I assume there is a way to do what I want, but I am not sure what the most efficient way to accomplish that is.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.



Put you statements into groups.
One group for your presence sensors and another for your time.
Alsp for your time use the presets option instead of the variable.


Thanks Bob! That worked!

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