What is the device you are using it on?
I have a TKB home TZ35D Z-Wave dual wall dimmer 2 paddle switch (guide). It is a wired switch. The left wired switch worked out of the box and was great The right association switch does not show up anywhere.
I would like to add a lamp to the right switch. I am not able to get the right switch to show up in the ST app - by recommendation I have added Tweaker - but from the TKB guide I am not sure what to add to associations in Tweaker (which installed just fine).
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Hi @jdcb!
Did you get the TKB right side working? I am in the same spot right now - the right just does not show up anywhere ;(
It is likely that you will need a custom Device Handler written to get both paddles to show up in ST. That can be done through the IDE and there are others in the community that like could do it easily. My programming skills are not that great.
However, If the device you are trying to control with the right switch is also a ZWave device you can do it with tweaker. From the Guide you posted, it appears that you will need to use tweaker and enter the device id for the other z wave device into association group 2. Then hit the configure button.
With this arrangement your TZ35D will communicate commands directly to the other device and not really use the controller. I do this with any permanently wired devices and control switches so these basic functions are not dependent on Smartthings and internet connection.
Tweaker of course is not a permanent Device Handler so switch it back to whatever Device handler you want to use.
I’m thinking this may be a good place to start looking for a DH. Eric has written many DHs and likely has one that would require minimal changes to work for both switches.
Hi @sainsworth!
Thanks for the guidance! The right switch is a z-wave switch also.
I added - via tweaker - the Group Association ID to be “2” and the Association Group Members to be the Network Id for the light I want to turn on.
However, sadly it does not work. (Ideally I would just love for that right switch to show up in Webcore - the left one does today.) Is it a problem that my network ID has a “/” in it - or that is is 15 digits long?
A zwave device ID should only 2 characters long. it should only contain the characters 0-9 and A-F. No spaces slashes or dashes ect. The device ID is assigned when the device is added to the network. You will find it online in the IDE under My Devices under the Device Network ID column.
Wow just found this, great tool. I was able to set the GE/Jasco step rates etc with it and then went back to the local device handler for Zwave dimmers.
I associate 2 devices: a Fibaro Flood Sensor (FFS) with a Motor Valve (MV) on group 2. But it does not working. Then I associate, for testing, the FFS with a Fibaro Dimmer 2 on group 2 and 3. It works on both. The MV does support association because I already tested this configuration, on Fibaro Lite and on another z-wave controller. On SmartThings do not want to work. : (
Any ideas?
Thank you.
I think your problem is related to the #7 configuration setting discussed in the sensor manual. I don’t know what valve you are using. However if it is on/off it will likely not work if #7 contains anything other than 255. You should be able to check and set the configuration settings using tweaker.
I founded myself.
- On Fibaro Flood sensor v3.2 and v3.3 you have to disable the Z-Wave secure communication param 78 with 0 value and make communication on Association channel 2 with the valve motor.
- On Fibaro Flood sensor v2.1 and v2.6 you have to make the Association on ch 1 not 2 with the valve motor, no parameters change.
I need help with the following. I have a Leviton Smart Plug ModelDZPD3-2BW and need to change the parameter for lamp type from Incandescent to LED Below is a screenshot of the manual page. Please provide info on what to do, as I am a novice with tweaker.
In the IDE change the DH for your smart plug to Z-wave Tweaker (Not explaining how here as it is well documented).
On your phone, open the device interface you should see the tweaker interface shown at the top of this thread.
In settings enter 8 as Parameter ID. enter 1 as Parameter Value. Hit done. Watch the action in the Live Logging section of the IDE. It can take more than a couple of seconds, so wait a bit.
Press Print Params and watch the IDE Live Logging to verify Parameter 8 reports as 1.
Change the device back to the original DH using the IDE.
Thank you did it. Now to see if it works.
I am a little stumped. Followed the instructions on installation but do not see the tiles changed in the app. Am I missing a step. I am no expert but nor am I a noob. Is it the new version of the ST app/
I believe your going to need to use the classic app
Did you log into the IDE and change the DTH of the device your working on to the Z wave tweaker?
Ahhh…correct you are sir. Perhaps I’m still a noob
It’s all a learning process. I used this once to set a parameter. Don’t even remember the device anymore. Good luck!
Now I’m stumped as to where to change the parameter