[OBSOLETE] Universal Ecobee Suite, Version 1.8.01

Hi Barry -

Just installed the Ecobee Suite to gain the ability to match the thermostat’s mode to the house’s mode which I currently control with presence sensors. Have just been testing it out, but seems like it’s going to achieve what I want.

Another thing I’d like to be able to do is that when the thermostat is in cool mode and the outside temperature is within say, 2 deg, of the cooling set point, I’d like to not have the thermostat activate the A/C. In other words, I’d like there to be an offset to the cooling set point based on the outside temperature. I’ve seen that I can change the operating mode of the thermostat from cool/heat/auto/off based on outside temp, but that’s not quite what I’m looking for.

Is there something easy I’m missing?


Sorry, but I don’t have a Helper that works like that. You could set up a Smart Mode Helper that turns the HVAC Off when the temperature is below a specific temperature in the summer - and I think you can create separate Smart Modes for different thermostat programs and/or location modes.

The only Helper that changes setpoints is the Thermal Comfort - you might find it possible to use that by selecting an outdoor temperature/humidty sensor, but again, it wasn’t designed for this and so may not do the trick.

Of course, using WebCoRE you could do anything you want, but there’s a pretty steep learning curve to that.

I installed this smartapp a couple of days ago and was able to disable 2FA, authenticate to my Ecobee acct, and then re-enable 2FA. Seems like they did something to eliminate the problem.

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Just installed this suit for the first time and it is wonderful. My ecobee had lost its WiFi connection, but after installing this suite, it reconnected. Thank you. Is there a user manual that explains all the icons and what you can do with them in the Classic app? Also, is there a widget interface so I can display sensors in the SmartThings widget?

User manual: https://github.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/blob/master/README.md

There is no widget interface specific to Ecobee Suite, but I think you can select the standard thermostat attributes in the SmartThings widget.

hi @storageanarchy - any updates on the 2FA issues ? I had to turn on 2FA since i got the ecobee camera to play with… would not let me setup the camera without it…
is there a workaround to using the app with 2FA enabled ?

Currently you have to disable 2FA to get ES authorized; I am working with Ecobee developer support to clear this up.

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Any idea what to do about this message on the classic app?

I went through and removed the connections between ecobee and alexa and between smarthings and ecobee from my original config, but still this comes up.

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Thank you sir. I looked in the faq in the main document but didn’t think to look for another one…you really did think of everything.

Hi Barry,

I started getting a “The new Smartthings app is ready for you - Migrate this location now” message on my ST classic app, and wanted to ask you if switching to the new ST app has any impact on Ecobee Suite. And if so, do you have any plans to adapt/migrate Ecobee Suite to the new app?

I don’t know when the Classic app would be discontinued, but imagine that will be the case at some point in the future. I recall that instantiating thermostat devices with Ecobee Suite can be done only with the Classic app.

I appreciate your advice, best regards,


Ecobee Suite works in both the Old and the New App. You won’t have the custom UI in the New App (they haven’t released APIs to enable that yet). But the device(s) will appear in both, and you can use the (limited) thermostat capabilities of the New App to interact with the device.

Keep the old app around, though - you will probably need it…

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Ecobee Suite Updated on 5 August 2020 at 8:45am EDT

Fixes & enhancements:

  • BIG NEWS!!! Ecobee Suite now works with the new Ecobee Authentication Services!

    • This is a transparent change, so you should not have to do anything to get this to work
      • It is not even necessary to update your code (but you should, anyway)
    • Worst-case, you MAY have to re-authenticate to the Ecobee servers once
    • Works with both the Ecobee standard and the new 2-factor authentication schemas
  • Ecobee Suite Manager, version 1.8.47
    • Now handles the new Eco+ demandResponsePreheat and demandResponsePrecool events
      (Cooling setpoint is reduced by Ecobee and your utility provider for a period of time before the setpoint is increased to reduce power demand)
    • Now recognizes Comfort Setting name change in the case when the new Comfort Setting is using the same setpoints as the current Comfort Setting.
      • Due to the way Ecobee is handling this situation, the new name will be recognized about 3 minutes after the scheduled change (longer if your polling cycle is greater than 1 minute)
      • The use case isn’t all that strange: e.g., two nearly-identical climates named “Home” and “Home-Working”, where the only difference is which Remote Sensors are included.
  • Ecobee Suite Thermostat, version 1.8.17
    • Remove extraneous debug log entry

These updates are recommended for all users


Thanks Barry, it’s working great.

The Ecobee Suite transferred on mine, but none of the Routines outside of I’m Back and Goodbye did.

They should still be there, under the old app.

They are, but the automations no longer trigger. It looks like, with the new app, you can’t have a routine/scene that’s not associated with a device. The ones that didn’t transfer were just time triggers for Helper Apps.

Open each Helper in the OLD app, and re-save - they should start working again…

Hi Barry!

First of all, thank you for all you do. What you’ve created is truly wonderful.

I do have a weird request. I’m using the Contacts and Switches Helper to turn on/off the HVAC with windows or doors being open/closed. I’m also utilizing the option to announce these actions on Echo devices that I have. Oddly, my Ecobee thermostat is named “E Cookie” (weird story, but that’s what my wife knows it as now). Sometimes when the announcements come through, the echo devices will announce the name as “East Cookie”. Do you have a suggestion as to how I could ensure that the announcement says “E Cookie”? I totally understand that this is only a mild annoyance and everything does indeed actually function the way it was intended.


Hi! I installed the Ecobee Suite and it is great. I am using the Open Contacts app to turn off the A/C when my windows are open. Is there a way to also turn on the HVAC fan as well? Or is there another app that you would recommend for this automation? Thanks!